is an implementation of
TurtleScript in
Lua. TurtleScript is a syntactic
(but not semantic) subset of JavaScript, originally created for
the One Laptop per Child project. This implementation especially
takes pains to match the official ECMAScript runtime semantics from -- probably at the expense of some execution
This installation is standalone. I developed this code using Lua 5.3.3 and then ported it to Lua 5.1 to make it compatible with Scribunto on Wikimedia projects. You can try it out on Wikipedia at .
To run a TurtleScript REPL:
$ ./repl.lua
>>> 2+3
>>> var fact = function(x) { return (x<2) ? x : (x * fact(x-1)) ; };
>>> fact(42)
Use Control-D (or Control-C) to exit the REPL. You can also evaluate entire TurtleScript scripts by passing the name on the command line:
$ ./repl.lua foo.js
The code running on Wikipedia has been bundled into a single file using the command:
$ lua make-one-file.lua luaturtle.repl
You can run the unit tests with ./run_tests.lua
from the top-level
directory. See tests/test_interp.lua
for a set of script-based tests,
which you could manually reproduce in the REPL (if you were so inclined).
is an interpreter for the bytecode emitted by
from the TurtleScript project. It is heavily based on
from that project, which is a TurtleScript interpreter written
in TurtleScript, as well as on
, my previous
implementations of TurtleScript runtimes in Rust and PHP, respectively.
The luaturtle/startup.lua
file contains the bytecode for the
TurtleScript standard library implementation (from binterp.js
) as
well as the tokenizer, parser, and bytecode compiler itself (emitted
by write-lua-bytecode.js
in the
project). This allows the lua-turtle
REPL to parse and compile the
expressions you type at it into bytecode modules which it can interpret.
The JavaScript object model in
has been implemented in Lua in a way which
tries to make Lua access to and operations on JavaScript objects feel
natural. Although this is mostly straightforward for (say) arithmetic
operators on numeric types, some performance compromises were
required. In particular JS properties are renamed and "hidden" in the
Lua object in order to ensure that direct property access in Lua
doesn't hit in the table but instead goes through the __index
method. It's possible we could dial this back a bit and use the
UTF-16 JS field names directly: since this effectively prepends a \0
in front of most ASCII field names this would still ensure that
is used for most natural human accesses. Arrays would
require special treatment (see below).
We've implemented fast paths through [[Get]]
and [[Set]]
for the most typical cases: read/write of plain properties (writable,
enumerable, configurable) and "modern method" invocation (reads of
function objects from not writable/not enumerable/not configurable
properties). Plain properties are stored directly in the Lua
table; descriptors are stored for other properties.
We do not currently wrap any Lua objects for insertion into the JavaScript environment, but it would not be too hard to do so given the ECMAScript standard's support for "Exotic" and Proxy objects.
Generally we've tried to use dynamic method dispatch through the
metatable as often as possible to replace explicit
type-test-and-branch code. For example, instead of testing both
arguments to the BI_ADD
(binary addition) bytecode operation to see
if either is a String (in which case we need to do string
concatenation instead of numerical addition), we dispatch through the
method in the metatable. In the common case where the left
hand operand is already a String, this saves a test and we can do the
concatenation directly. This technique doesn't work quite as well
when the left-hand operation is a Number, since we still have to test
whether the right-hand operation is a String in that case, but we try
to do as many typechecks as possible in this way.
The representation of arrays at present leaves much to be desired -- they are just objects with keys which are numeric strings. These should be replaced by "real" Lua arrays, so we can use (presumably fast) integer access to a native table and not have to convert every number offset into a string.
Strings are representing using a 'cons' like structure, which
preserves JavaScript's performance expectations related to string
concatenation. Strings are converted to UTF-8 and then prefixed to
index into the Lua backing storage for object slots. As mentioned
above, this ensures that
from Lua will invoke __index
the metatable and not accidentally hit the backing storage for
property bar
, but it's possible that we could improve performance by
using the UTF-16 strings directly as keys. We don't use __index
inside the bytecode interpreter, so this only affects Lua
We probably want to introduce a "integer string" type, to represent
property accesses using numerical indexes. In the common case that
the receiver was an array, we'd use the integer value directly to
index backing storage, instead of (slow) conversion to a string.
We'd transparently convert back and forth from "integer string" to
"real string" in the corner cases (plain object access using integer
index / array access using a string). Alternatively we could
break from the ECMAScript standard and allow numbers to be
Property Keys
(in the language of the spec) and only convert once we'd passed
the possible dispatch to Array's
Currently bytecode is interpreted; a logical next step would be to
compile directly to Lua code and eliminate the overhead of the
interpretation loop. We probably want to precede this with some
additional analysis in the TurtleScript compiler. A first step
would be escape analysis and the introduction of a PUSH_LOCAL_FRAME
opcode to complement PUSH_FRAME
. The "local frame" would be used
for those variables which don't escape the current function, and wouldn't
be included in the execution context of functions created in its scope.
A simple runtime would treat PUSH_FRAME
identical, but a more advanced runtime would recognize that properties
of the local frame can be stored in registers and don't actually need
to be implemented as Get
on a literal local frame object.
Indicating the borders of the control flow blocks in the bytecode would
also be useful to transform JMP
into balanced
Values could be represented as a pair of "metatable" and "value" to
avoid redundant getmetatable(value)
calls during dispatching.
Instead of implementing BI_ADD
prop = jsval.newString('foo')
result = getmetatable(left).__add(left, right, env)
getmetatable(object).Set(env, object, prop, result)
we could write:
prop_meta, prop = StringMT, jsval.newStringIntern('foo')
result_meta, result = left_meta._add(left_meta, left, right_meta, right, env)
object_meta.Set(env, object_meta, object, prop_meta, prop, result_meta, result)
A follow-on optimization would do basic constant/type propagation to further optimize this to:
result_meta, result = NumberMT._add(NumberMT, 5, right_meta, right, env)
ObjectMT.Set(ObjectMT, object, StringMT, jsval.newStringIntern('foo'), result_meta, result)
If right_meta is also known to be NumberMT the first line can become:
result_meta, result = NumberMT, NumberMT:from(5 + right.value)
Finally, we can 'unbox' primitive types when they are stored in registers and re-box on storage (or when the types become unknown at a merge point) to get:
prop_meta, prop = StringMT, '\0f\0o\0o'
result_meta, result = NumberMT, (5 + right)
object_meta.Set(object_meta, object, StringMT, StringMT:fromUtf16(prop), NumberMT, NumberMT:from(result))
Note that prop_meta
and result_meta
are constants here and thus
unused (for example, we've just substituted their values in the call
to object_meta.Set
); I've written assignments for them above just
for clarity.
We may have to introduce explicit PHI and SIGMA functions in the bytecode to facilitate the representation of the analysis results to the code generator.
I would like to explore multilingual JavaScript using this platform. There are some thoughts in Wikimedia phabricator; Babylscript also appears very interesting.
For that matter, multilingual Lua might be a better first step, the Lua language is extremely compact!
NOTES: In lua, any type can be a table key, but there is syntactic sugar for using strings as keys:
point = { x = 10, y = 20 } -- Create new table
print(point["x"]) -- Prints 10
print(point.x) -- Has exactly the same meaning as line above. The easier-to-read dot notation is just syntactic sugar.
In Multilinugal lua, the 'sugar' would be internationalized: "symbols"
are the default keys, and the _("xxx")
constructor makes a symbol out
of a string.
point = { [_("x")] = 10, [_("y")] = 20 }
print(point[_("x")]) -- Prints 10
print(point.x) -- Has exactly the same meaning as line above.
(Note that point
is also effectively _("point") as well.)
Two issues:
- How does
know what the "current language" is? (That is,_("net")
should create the exact same symbol if the current language is English or Spanish, respectively.) - How to disambiguate if
are actually translated differently? For example,
the symbol naming the property is likely different from the symbol naming the property
, even though the english translation of both symbols is the same.
In multilingual JS, we had a special import statement and #foo syntax to mark "symbols" as a separate type.
point = { #x = 10, #y = 20 }
print(point[#x]) -- Prints 10
print(point.x) -- Has exactly the same meaning as line above.
Do we need declare #x and point, etc? Also, #foo
is already used in lua
for the 'length' operator.
Lua has the meta table function __index
which could help:
__index = function(values, n)
return values[_(n)]
-- or maybe this goes the other way, in the sense that __index
can be used
to convert from symbols to strings or integer indexes so you can get
fastpath behavior from the lua jit. In other words, code running in
its English translation would have an __index
method which
translated English property names to "symbols" (wikidata entity ids),
and code running in Spanish translation would have an __index
which translated Spanish property names to "symbols", but the code
would be interoperable regardless of what language the code was
"natively" written in.
TurtleScript and lua-turtle
are (c) 2020 C. Scott Ananian and
licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.