Set in the magical realm of the Sacred Lands, three races - the Empire, the Legions of the Damned, and the Undead Hordes - battle for the destiny of their gods.
- Esc/Enter - Exit from the capital/city (world map)
- WADX, Arrows, Numeric Keypad - Select character
- RMB on empty slot - Move character to another slot
- Space - Select slot or character/move character
- P - Open party/statistics screen
- I - Open leader's equipment/inventory
- S - Open spellbook (show list of learned leader spells)
- A - Show list of learned leader abilities
- T - Show temple scene
- B - Show barracks scene
- Esc/Enter - Close scene
- Arrows, Numeric keypad - Select character's slot
- R - Open recruit scene
- D - Dismiss the warrior (if it is not the party leader or capital guardian)
- P - Open party/statistics screen
- Esc - Close scene
- Arrows, Numeric keypad - Select character's slot
- R, Enter - Recruit a new warrior to the party (if you have enough gold coins)
- Esc/Enter - Close scene
- Arrows, Numeric keypad - Select character's slot
- H - Heal a creature (if you have enough gold coins)
- R - Revive a creature (if you have enough gold coins)
- P - Open party/statistics screen
- Esc - Exit to main menu
- W, Enter, numeric key 5 - Wait (if on the capital/city tile - enter the capital/city)
- P - Open leader's party/statistics screen
- J - Open journal (information on the current scenario)
- I - Open leader's equipment/inventory
- S - Open spellbook (show list of learned leader spells)
- A - Show list of learned leader abilities
- Esc/Enter - Exit (if win/lose)
- WADX, Arrows, Numeric keypad - Select enemy character
- Space, LMB on character - Attack enemy character
- Esc/Enter - Close scene
- I - Open leader's equipment/inventory
- S - Open spellbook (show list of learned leader spells)
- A - Show list of learned leader abilities
- Esc - Close scene
- Arrows, Numeric keypad - Select character's slot (if active character's group)
- Space - Change active group
- Enter - use item (read scroll/drink potion)
- Esc - Close scene
- Arrows, Numeric keypad - Select faction/class
- F - Filter by fraction
- C - Filter by class
- Send Spy - the leader can see the composition and condition of the enemy party's warriors
- Challenge to Duel - the leader challenges the enemy leader to a duel
- Poison Wells - the leader poisons all warriors in the enemy party
The game is currently in demo stage with very limited contents and lots of issues to solve and improve.
Contributions are welcome! Please fork this repository and then once you have made and tested your changes, submit a pull request.
2018-2025 by Sergiy Tkach (Apromix)
- Gilgaphoenixignis -
- Master484 -
- The RLTiles -
Elinor is open source, written in pascal, the full source is available at: