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Python (python)

Installs the provided version of Python, as well as PIPX, and other common Python utilities. JupyterLab is conditionally installed with the python feature. Note: May require source code compilation.

Example Usage

"features": {
    "": {}


Options Id Description Type Default Value
version Select a Python version to install. string os-provided
installTools Flag indicating whether or not to install the tools specified via the 'toolsToInstall' option. Default is 'true'. boolean true
toolsToInstall Comma-separated list of tools to install when 'installTools' is true. Defaults to a set of common Python tools like pylint. string flake8,autopep8,black,yapf,mypy,pydocstyle,pycodestyle,bandit,pipenv,virtualenv,pytest,pylint
optimize Optimize Python for performance when compiled (slow) boolean false
enableShared Enable building a shared Python library boolean false
installPath The path where python will be installed. string /usr/local/python
installJupyterlab Install JupyterLab, a web-based interactive development environment for notebooks boolean false
configureJupyterlabAllowOrigin Configure JupyterLab to accept HTTP requests from the specified origin string -
httpProxy Connect to GPG keyservers using a proxy for fetching source code signatures by configuring this option string -


VS Code Extensions

  • ms-python.python
  • ms-python.vscode-pylance
  • ms-python.autopep8

OS Support

This Feature should work on recent versions of Debian/Ubuntu, RedHat Enterprise Linux, Fedora, Alma, and RockyLinux distributions with the apt, yum, dnf, or microdnf package manager installed.

bash is required to execute the script.

Note: This file was auto-generated from the devcontainer-feature.json. Add additional notes to a