This branch has the following updates:
- Removed several console.log statements
This module can query UPnP devices descriptions, service descriptions and call actions on services. It also provides a simple interface to subscribe to UPnP services events.
$ npm install upnp-device-client
var Client = require('upnp-device-client');
// Instanciate a client with a device description URL (
var client = new Client('');
// Get the device description
client.getDeviceDescription(function(err, description) {
if(err) throw err;
// Get the device's AVTransport service description
client.getServiceDescription('AVTransport', function(err, description) {
if(err) throw err;
// Call GetMediaInfo on the AVTransport service
client.callAction('AVTransport', 'GetMediaInfo', { InstanceID: 0 }, function(err, result) {
if(err) throw err;
console.log(result); // => { NrTracks: '1', MediaDuration: ... }
client.subscribe('AVTransport', function(e) {
// Will receive events like { InstanceID: 0, TransportState: 'PLAYING' } when playing media
// client.unsubscribe('AVTransport', listener);
Run with debug traces
$ DEBUG=* node index.js