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Open Wi-Fi networks map.

 – Makes the map of Wi-Fi networks as you walk around even if the application is minimized.
 – Displays the coverage of each Wi-Fi network.
 – Customizable map view: normal or hybrid.
 – Customizable Wi-Fi search interval.

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 – Project is closed. Sync feature is removed.

 – Added a menu command to forcibly close the application.
 – Sync is 5-10 times faster.
 – Fixed a crash when connecting to a Wi-Fi network.
 – Fixed a crash in statistics screen.
 – Filtering of networks on scan is slightly improved.

– Fixed the crash when a location provider is unavailable.
– Removed unused advanced setting.
– Local database size is slightly reduced.

Fixed a crash on Android 2.2.


This update changes the map refreshing algorithm. The new algorithm should work many times faster than the old one.

The update requires full re-sync as the cache structure was changed.

Full change list:

– The cache structure was changed. New map refreshing algorithm was implemented.
– "Wi-Fi is disabled" notification icon was changed to the standard one.
– Active sync notification was added.
– Statistics loading animation was added.
– Rare failures were fixed.
– Open source licenses screen was added.
– Icons were added to the social network buttons.


– Significantly increased the speed of displaying networks on the map.
– The icons of networks have been returned.
– It is now possible to sync from server to client without authenticating.
– Fixed a crash in the case if Google Maps or Google Play services are not installed.
– Action Bar buttons are now highlighted when pressed.
– Reduced APK size by 100kB.


– Switched to Google Maps Android API v2: more map features, faster map refreshing, less traffic for map data.
– Android 2.1 is no longer supported due to switching to the newer Google Maps version.
– Network counters are temporary removed – until the next update.
– Fixed the network icon color for the Hybrid view.
– Optimized APK size.


– Help screen. It is available from the overflow menu and will be shown once on the very first application startup.
– Authentication is completely re-implemented and should fix authentication issues on some devices.
– Application look and feel for Android < 3.0 is now similar to Android 3.0+.
– Default search interval is changed to 10 seconds.
– Added messages about not yet implemented features.


Known issue: if you do not see any networks in Minsk then tap "Settings" → "Sign in again" → "Synchronize Now".

– Fixed last synced time summary in settings.
– Added new permission to allow logging in with Google on some devices.
– Fixed network areas color on the Satellite map view.


– The very first syncing autostart.
– Using secured connection.
– "Synchronize Now" option shows syncing status.
– Network labels size is the same for different screens.
– Using traffic compression.
– Networks layer updating progress bar.
– Authentication using Google Account.
– Changed the order of preferences.


– Initial release.