Accessibility, e.g. VoiceOver or TalkBack. (aka a11y)
Adapting to platform, screen size, input type, etc
Repeatedly frustrating issues with non-experimental functionality
Packaging, accessing, or using assets
Building flutter applications with the tool
China and its Great Firewall
Debugging, breakpoints, expression evaluation
Error messages from the Flutter framework
Integration with existing apps via the add-to-app flow
Matching the OEM platforms better
The first hour of using Flutter
Issues related to game development with Flutter
Loading, displaying, rendering images
Supporting other languages or locales. (aka i18n)
SystemChrome and Framework's Layout Issues
Issues and PRs related to memory leaks detected by leak_tracker
Dart Macros usage in Flutter
Issues related to using a mouse or mouse support
Issues related to multi window support
Support for Dart's null safety feature
Embedding Android/iOS views in Flutter apps
Support for writing, building, and running plugin packages
Issues experienced in live production apps
A truly polished experience
Challenges faced when attempting to productionize an app
Reducing IPA/APK/JS sizes
RestorationManager and related APIs
Tablets and landscape phones