fzyselect.vim is a simple fuzzy selector plugin of Vim.
The vim.ui.select
implemented in Neovim is simple and extensible.
There are also several well-designed extension plugins based on it
(e.g. dressing.nvim).
This plugin is one such extensions. As a feature, it uses a built-in matchfuzzypos
function to speed up the search process (you can even customize the function if you wish).
Also, for the minimalists (or following the UNIX philosophy), it has few extra functions, keymaps and commands as possible. Also, the source code is very small, too. See the main code.
You can use this plugin in Vim as well as Neovim. Except exporting code for Lua, the all of this plugin is written in only Vim scripts (not Vim9 scripts).
Plug 'gw31415/fzyselect.vim'
call dein#add('gw31415/fzyselect.vim')
use 'gw31415/fzyselect.vim'
No default keymaps are provided.
fu! s:fzy_keymap()
nmap <buffer> i <cmd>cal fzyselect#input()<cr>
nmap <buffer> <cr> <cmd>cal fzyselect#cr(v:count??'.')<cr>
nmap <buffer> <esc> <cmd>clo<cr>
au FileType fzyselect cal <SID>fzy_keymap()
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('FileType', {
pattern = 'fzyselect',
callback = function ()
vim.keymap.set('n', 'i', require 'fzyselect'.input, { buffer = true })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<cr>', "<cmd>cal fzyselect#cr(v:count??'.')<cr>", { buffer = true })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<esc>', '<cmd>clo<cr>', { buffer = true })
If you want to replace vim.ui.select
with this plugin's,
you can directly assign the function require 'fzyselect'.start
vim.ui.select = require 'fzyselect'.start
Only one function fzyselect#start
is provided
(two if you includes require 'fzyselect'.start
exported for Lua).
You can use similar to vim.ui.select
Please see this document.
cal fzyselect#start(['apple', 'banana', 'chocolate'],
\ {}, {i->append('.', i)})
require 'fzyselect'.start({'apple', 'banana', 'chocolate'}, {},
vim.fn.append('.', i)
On the split window that appears then you can use the usual keymaps you set up. To operate fuzzy selecting, you need to call functions below:
Vim Function | Lua Function | Usage |
fzyselect#input() |
fzyselect.input() |
Launch fuzzy search. |
fzyselect#cr() |
fzyselect.cr() |
Select the item. |
Fuzzy search for lines of the current buffer.
nn gl <cmd>cal fzyselect#start(getline(1, '$'), #{prompt:'Fuzzy search'}, {_,i->i==v:null?v:null:cursor(i, 0)})<cr>
Fuzzy search for files of the working directory.
fu! s:glob(path)
let li = []
for f in readdir(a:path)
let p = a:path .. '/' .. f
if isdirectory(p)
cal extend(li, s:glob(p))
cal add(li, p)
return li
fu! s:edit(path) abort
if a:path != v:null
exe 'e ' .. a:path
nn <c-p> <cmd>cal fzyselect#start(<SID>glob('.'), {}, {p-><SID>edit(p)})<cr>
If you use Neovim, use bufmanager.nvim. Below is simpler version.
fu! s:buffer(i) abort
if a:i != v:null
exe 'b ' .. a:i
nn B <cmd>cal fzyselect#start(
\ filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val)'),
\ #{prompt:'Select buffer',format_item:{i->split(execute('ls!'), "\n")[i-1]}},
\ {li-><SID>buffer(li)})<cr>