The purpose of this repository is to help students strengthen their problem-solving skills, familiarize themselves with common interview questions, and gain confidence tackling technical interviews.
Task | Description |
0x00-pascal_triangle |
Pascal triangle - Algorithm Python |
0x01-lockboxes |
Lock boxes - Algorithm Python |
0x02-minimum_operations |
Minimum operations - Dynamic Programming |
0x03-log_parsing |
Log parsing Algorithm Python |
0x04-utf8_validation |
UTF-8 Validation Algorithm Python |
0x05-nqueens |
N Queens Algorithm Python |
0x06-starwars_api |
Star Wars API Algorithm API JavaScript |
0x07-rotate_2d_matrix |
Rotate 2D Matrix Algorithm Python |
0x08-making_change |
Making Change Algorithm Python |
0x09-island_perimeter |
Island Perimeter Algorithm Python |
0x0A-primegame |
Prime Game Algorithm Python |