- 👀 I’m passionate about functional programming, clean code, and software craftsmanship.
- 🌟 I’m an expert in Java and Spring development.
- 🚀 I excel at identifying performance issues and mastering asynchronous and concurrent programming concepts.
- 🎓 I conduct training workshops focused on Java language.
- 💻 I spend a lot of time on technological watch, staying updated with the latest trends and advancements.
- ❤️ I am deeply passionate about clean code, hexagonal architecture, and Domain-Driven Design (DDD).
- 📚 I am a continuous learner, always looking to improve my skills and knowledge.
- 🌱 I’m currently delving into Spring Modulith, Spring AOT compilation, and native compilation with GraalVM.
- 🛠️ I have hands-on experience implementing a variety of Spring-based applications:
- Spring Boot Web
- Spring Boot WebFlux
- Spring Cloud Function
- Spring Cloud Stream
- Spring Batch
- Spring Integration
- Spring Data
- Spring Web Services
- Spring Security
- Spring Kafka
- Spring RabbitMQ
- Spring Kafka Streams
- 📫 You can reach me on: