It's kind of like an IRC bot, but I hope it'll just be a bridge.
In summary, it's sweet as hell.
There are no "tests" proper yet, but it will build up the latest bundle when it's possible.
##Latest x64 Linux binary
## Clone the repo
$ git clone
$ cd clubot
## Set up the project
## (asdf, submodules, cast the darks spells to invoke the names of the ancients in eternal slumber)
$ make develop
## Run the bot server
$ bin/ start -n myclubot -s -p 6667
You should now be able to send the bot commands and subscribe to messages over 0MQ:
;; Join a channel then sit there and wait
;; for a PRIVMSG and echo the raw message back
;; into the channel we joined
(zmq:with-context (ctx 1)
(zmq:with-socket (s ctx :sub)
(zmq:with-socket (r ctx :dealer)
(zmq:connect s "tcp://localhost:14532")
(zmq:connect r "tcp://localhost:14533")
;; Only get PRIVMSG messages
(zmq:setsockopt s zmq:subscribe ":PRIVMSG")
;; Join the echo channel
(let ((msg `(:type :join :channel "#mychan")))
(zmq:send! s (json:encode-json-plist-to-string msg))
;; Wait pending a message to echo back
(let ((header (zmq:recv! s :string))
(data (zmq:recv! s :string)))
(format t "Header: ~A~%" header)
(format t "Message: ~A~%" data)
;; Ask the bot to echo the raw contents of the message to the channel
(let* ((req `(:type :speak :target "#mychan" :msg ,data))
(sreq (json:encode-json-plist-to-string req)))
(zmq:send! r sreq)))))))
The clubot can be built into a standalone bundle that does not require an external lisp interpreter or libraries.
## Clone the repo
$ git clone
$ cd clubot
## Build a standalone bundle tar
$ make bundle
[ .. lots of compile output ..]
$ ls bin
... clubot.bundle.tgz ...
The generated tarball can be deployed on a matching system by extracting it to a directory and running the binary directly.
## Pick a deployment directory
$ mkdir -p /deploy/to/clubot
## Extract the bundle
$ tar xf path/to/clubot.bundle.tgz -C /deploy/to/clubot
## Execute the bot
$ /deploy/to/clubot start -l -n myclubot -s -p 6667
By default the bot will bind a ZMQ:PUB socket to ipc:///tmp/
and tcp://*:14532
and a ZMQ:ROUTER socket to ipc:///tmp/
and tcp://*:14533
Broadcast messagse are generaly state information from the IRC network like messages of other peers.
Requests are sent from a ZMQ:DEALER socket by a client and take the form of JSON strings. Due to the type of sockets in use a single request may generate 0 to N replies. The documentation below will indicate how to treat any given message.
If a request fails and generates an error result it will be sent in the following format:
{"type":"error", "error":"error description"}
{"type":"speak", "target":"#channel", "msg":"Message text!"}
The target
component can be either a channel or an individual, much like the whole IRC thing this thing
sits on.
This message generates no reply.
{"type":"topic", "channel":"#somechan"}
Replies with the TOPIC in of the channel named by channel
in the following format. This is the only reply.
{"type":"topic", "channel":"#somechan", "topic":"topic"}
Replies with a list of channels the bot is in. If the bot is in no channels it will return null
TODO: Reply with an empty list instead
{"type":"channels", "channels":["#a", "#b"]}
{"type":"channels", "channels":null}
Replies with the current nick of the bot
{"type":"nick", "nick":"botnick"}
{"type":"part", "channel":"#channel", "reason":"Optional part reason"}
Asks the bot to part the named channel. The reason component is entirely optional.
{"type":"join", "channel":"#channel"}
Asks the bot to join the named channel.
Broadcast messages are sent in two parts. The first message contains the subscription component and the second contains the actual message data. This makes separating the two uses of message easier than manually splitting a single message. ZeroMQ lets us use just the first message for subscriptions and promise the delivery of the second message if the first matches. It's pretty neat.
Multipart messages are represented as different lines.
Emitted when the bot reboots to notify any downstream peers.
:PART "who_nick" "#somechannel"
{"type":"part", "channel":"#somechannel", "who":"who_nick", "reason":"reason", "time":12093123}
Emitted when the bot parts a channel. The time is universal time. The reason is always a string, sometimes empty.
If the bot itself is doing the parting the who_nick in the subscription portion of the message will be :SELF
:JOIN "somenick" "#somechannel"
{"type":"join", "who":"somenick", "channel":"#somechannel", "time":12093123}
Emitted when the bot joins a channel. The time is universal time. If the bot itself is doing the joining the who nick
in the subscription prefix will appear as :SELF
:INVITE "#channel" "inviter_nick"
{"type":"invite", "who":"botnick", "where":"#channel", "by": "inviter_nick"}
Emitted when the bot is invited into a channel.
:PRIVMSG :CHATTER "#somechan" "Origin_nick"
{"type":"privmsg",:"time":1230918203810923,"target":"target","self":"clubot","from":"Origin_nick","msg":"Message text"}
Emitted when the bot hears anything.
The keyword :CHATTER
will become :MENTION
if the message begins with the bot's nick. The message order is so
for easy message filtering with zmq:subscribe
by consumers. time
is expressed as universal time.