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VIM-DIR: file manager

Minimum requirements:Vim9, Huge version

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Commands and Mappings

Global commands

  • :Dir [path] — open a path as a directory listing.
  • Use :Dir or regular :edit/:e command to refresh directory listing.

Local commands

  • :DirFilter[!] {regex} — Show files/directories matching {regex}. With ! hide files/directories matching {regex}:

    # Show files/dirs with   e   in the name
    :DirFilter e
    # Hide files/dirs with   e   in the name
    :DirFilter! e
    # Hide files/dirs with   e.*p   in the name
    :DirFilter! e.*p
  • :DirFilterClear — clear filter.

  • :DirBookmark — save bookmark for a current directory. Bookmarks are saved in ~/.config/vim-dir/bookmarks.json or $APPDATA/vim-dir/bookmarks.json depending on OS.

  • :DirBookmarkJump — jump to bookmarked directory.

  • :DirHistoryJump — jump to directory from history.

Global mappings

There are no global mappings.

You can set at least one yourself to quickly call Dir:

nnoremap <bs> <cmd>Dir<cr>

With that mapping you would be able to trigger a Dir with Backspace showing current buffer file name in a directory list. Consequent Backspace presses would open parent directories.

Other global mappings might be, for example:

nnoremap <space>gd <cmd>Dir ~/Documents<cr>
nnoremap <space>gD <cmd>Dir ~/Downloads<cr>

Local mappings


  • Backspace or u or - — one directory up.
  • Enter or o — open a file or a directory under cursor.
  • O — open a file/directory with OS.
  • s — open a file/directory in a split.
  • S — open a file/directory in a vertical split.
  • t — open a file/directory in a tab.
  • Ctrl-R — refresh directory.
  • ]] — jump over directories forward, place cursor on a first file/last directory.
  • [[ — jump over directories backward, place cursor on the last/first directory.
  • gj — open quick jump menu.

File operations

  • i — preview a file (first 100 lines) or show dir info (nothing on windows).
  • x — toggle selection of file/directory.
  • X — toggle selection of all files/directories (select/unselect all).
  • D or dd — delete files/directories.
  • R or rr — rename files/directories.
  • p — copy selected files/directories into current directory.
  • P — move selected files/directories into current directory.
  • A — open actions menu.
  • C — create directory.
  • cc — create file.

Bookmarks & History

  • ~ or g~ — open home directory.
  • g1 up to g0 — open numbered bookmark.
  • Ctrl-A 1 up to Ctrl-A 0 — set numbered bookmark for a current directory.
  • gb — open bookmarks jump menu.
  • gh — open history jump menu. History is saved for each directory where file was opened for editing.


  • g , — sort current buffer dir by size.
  • g . — sort current buffer dir by time.
  • g / — sort current buffer dir by name.

Filter and View

  • . — toggle .hidden files/directories.
  • > — widen the dir view (adding some columns).
  • < — shrink the dir view (removing some columns).


  • g:dir_open_os — if a file/directory is matched against file extension in a list, open it using OS.

  • g:dir_invert_split — by default s splits horizontally and S splits vertically. Set to 1/true to make the opposite.

  • g:dir_sort_by — sort by one of name, size or time. Default is name.

  • g:dir_sort_desc — if true, sort desc, otherwise asc. Default is false.

  • g:dir_show_hidden — show/hide .hidden files/directories. Default is true.

  • g:dir_history_size — maximum numbers of directories in history. Default is 100.

  • g:dir_columns — columns for the dir view. Default is

    • Windows: perm,size,time,name
    • Linux/Other: perm,user,group,size,time,name

    Columns perm and name are mandatory and should be in order.

  • g:dir_change_cwd — change current working directory on file opening. Default is 0.

Maybe Features

  • Support archives: view contents/create/add/extract (using 7z maybe?).
  • Background file operations (copy/move/delete).

Non Features

  • ✗ No treeview, no sidepanel.
  • ✗ Mass rename ala qmv/vidir (explore feasibility).
  • ✗ Networking ala netrw or mc.