A visual studio code extension that allows the insertion of unicode symbols from the latex names of those symbols. This extension is developed based on studykit/unicode-latex, which itself is a fork of ojsheikh/unicode-latex.
The list of symbols is currently generated from the Julia programming language's REPL's latex completions (see the symbol list here).
Install from the VSC marketplace.
Completions are triggered on backslack '\'. For example, type
, an autocompletion will pop up. -
Supported document types are specified in extension.ts, which currently include
const selector: vscode.DocumentSelector = [ 'plaintext', 'markdown', 'coq', 'python', 'java', 'haskell', 'sml', 'ocaml', 'rmd', 'r', 'txt', 'typescript', 'html', 'yaml', 'javascript', 'groovy', 'go', 'clojure', 'fsharp', 'asciidoc', 'c', 'cpp', 'toml', 'json', 'textile', 'csv', 'csharp', 'ini', 'jsonc', 'objective-c', 'markdown', 'xml' ];