My interests are Field Robotics, Applied machine learning, Large-language models, and AI-generated content (AIGC e.g., stable-diffusion).
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This graph is generated by my custom web API that uses serpapi to obtain my scholar information and parsed using a simple python script hosted on vercel. If you want to use this in your project, please have a look this repo
Kaggle is one of my favourite places to learn and explore new machine learning (ML) technologies. I have found it to be a fun and entertaining playground where I can apply my skills and knowledge to real-world problems.
If you are also interested in ML or other state-of-the-art (SOTA) technologies, I highly recommend checking out Kaggle. There are a wide range of challenging problems that need to be solved, and Kaggle provides a great platform for learning and collaboration.
(128/205,650 as of 26/July/2024, Top 0.05%)
Here is my Kaggle profile page: My Kaggle profile
I hope you enjoy Kaggle as much as I do!