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Releases: instancio/instancio


21 Jan 07:51
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What's Changed

New Features

  • New top-level APIs Instancio.fill(T) and Instancio.ofObject(T) (#1268)

    Example: given a partially populated object:

    class Person {
        String name;
        String email;
        LocalDate dateOfBirth;
        // getters/setters
    Person person = new Person();
    person.setDateOfBirth(LocalDate.of(1980, 12, 31));
    // The remaining fields can be populated as follows:
    // Sample output:
    // Person[name=VCNSOU email=ONVERFS, dateOfBirth=1980-12-31]

    Additionally, the ofObject() builder API supports all of the usual Instancio methods:

    Person person = new Person();
    person.setDateOfBirth(LocalDate.of(1980, 12, 31));
        .generate(field(Person::getEmail), gen ->
    // Sample output:
    // Person[name=VCNSOU,, dateOfBirth=1980-12-31]

Bug Fixes

  • Overwrite initialised field via assign() (#1253)

Breaking Changes

  • Experimental API breaking change: renamed @DataSpec to @AliasSpec (#1244)

Full Changelog: instancio-parent-5.2.1...instancio-parent-5.3.0


11 Dec 04:47
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What's Changed

Bug Fixes

Generating numbers based on bean validation constraints (#1240)

Full Changelog: instancio-parent-5.2.0...instancio-parent-5.2.1


02 Dec 23:11
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What's Changed

New Features

wordTemplate() spec that supports noun, verb, adjective, and adverb placeholders (#1220)

A spec for generating text based on a template containing placeholders, such as ${noun}, ${verb}, ${adjective}, and ${adverb}.


record Company(String website) {}

List<Company> companies = Instancio.ofList(Company.class)
    .generate(field(Company::website), gen -> gen.text().wordTemplate("${adjective}-${noun}.com"))

// Sample output:

The placeholders are case-sensitive and support three case styles for the output:

  • ${noun} - Outputs a lowercase word e.g. "cat"
  • ${Noun} - Outputs a capitalised word e.g. "Cat"
  • ${NOUN} - Outputs an uppercase word e.g. "CAT"

Throw an error by default if applyFeed() has unmapped feed properties (#1225)

This is a potential breaking change to an experimental API. The original behaviour can restored by the new setting Keys.ON_FEED_PROPERTY_UNMATCHED which can be used to ignore unmapped feed properties.

Bug Fixes

Only report the initial seed for @InstancioSource tests (#1223)

  • wordTemplate() spec that supports noun, verb, adjective, and adverb placeholders by @armandino in #1220
  • Bump com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind from 2.18.1 to 2.18.2 by @dependabot in #1222
  • Bump version.kotlin from 2.0.21 to 2.1.0 by @dependabot in #1221
  • Bug fix: only report the initial seed for @InstancioSource tests by @armandino in #1223
  • Throw an error by default if applyFeed() has unmapped feed properties by @armandino in #1225
  • Bump org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin from 5.1.9 to 6.0.0 by @dependabot in #1224
  • Bump nl.jqno.equalsverifier:equalsverifier-nodep from 3.17.3 to 3.17.4 by @dependabot in #1227
  • Bump from 10.20.1 to 10.20.2 by @dependabot in #1226

Full Changelog: instancio-parent-5.1.0...instancio-parent-5.2.0


25 Nov 02:39
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What's Changed

New Features

Add as(Function) method to the oneOf() generator spec (#1212)

Sample usage:

class Pojo {
  JsonNullable<String> jsonNullableString;

Pojo pojo = Instancio.of(Pojo.class)
        .generate(field("jsonNullableString"), gen -> gen.oneOf("foo", "bar").as(JsonNullable::of))

Related to:

Support for generating words (adjectives, adverbs, nouns, verbs) (#1213)

The word() spec can generates words, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.


record Example(String word) {}

Example example = Instancio.of(Example.class)
    .generate(field(Example::word), gen -> gen.text().word().noun())

// Sample output: Example[word=achievement]

Phrases or sentences can be constructed using a Supplier:

record Company(String website) {}

Supplier<String> websiteSupplier = () -> String.format(

List<Company> companies = Instancio.ofList(Company.class)
    .supply(field(Company::website), websiteSupplier)

// Sample output:

Bug Fixes

Apply scopes when converting root() to all(Class) for setModel() (#1217)

Full Changelog: instancio-parent-5.0.2...instancio-parent-5.1.0


12 Sep 17:26
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What's Changed

  • Support for quoted CSV values in feeds by @berkayerten in #1142
  • Bug fix: convert root() to all(Class) selector when using setModel() (#1159) by @armandino in #1160
  • Dependency upgrades

New Contributors

Full Changelog: instancio-parent-5.0.1...instancio-parent-5.0.2


28 Jul 19:55
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What's Changed

  • Bug fix: error applying feed specs to primitive fields by @armandino in #1125

Full Changelog: instancio-parent-5.0.0...instancio-parent-5.0.1


23 Jul 23:35
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What's Changed

Breaking changes

Renamed classes:

  • org.instancio.InstancioOfClassApi to InstancioClassApi
  • org.instancio.InstancioOfCollectionApi to InstancioCollectionsApi

Breaking changes to experimental APIs

1. Removed the deprecated instancio-quickcheck module

2. Replaced org.instancio.Gen with org.instancio.Instancio.gen()

// Before
import org.instancio.Gen;

int n = Gen.ints().range(1, 10).get();

// Now
import static org.instancio.Instancio.gen;

int n = gen().ints().range(1, 10).get();

3. Removed method org.instancio.generator.ValueSpec.toModel():

Model<Integer> model = gen().ints().range(1, 10)
        .toModel(); // toModel() method no longer available

The above can still be achieved using Instancio.of() API:

Model<Integer> model = Instancio.of(Integer.class)
        .generate(Select.root(), gen -> gen.ints().range(1, 10))

4. Renamed CartesianProductApi class to InstancioCartesianProductApi

5. Renamed CsvGeneratorSpec.separator() method to delimiter()

New Features

Feed API for generating data from an external resource (CSV or JSON)

Example data file: persons.csv

# ...
List<Person> person = Instancio.ofList(Person.class)
    .applyFeed(all(Person.class), feed -> feed.ofResource("persons.csv"))

// Output:
// [Person[firstName="John", lastName="Doe", age=21],
//  Person[firstName="Alice", lastName="Smith", age=34],
//  ...]

A feed can also be defined as an interface, which offers additional features and allows
the feed to be reused across multiple tests.

@Feed.Source(name = "persons.csv")
interface PersonFeed extends Feed {

  FeedSpec<String> firstName(); // maps to 'firstName' property in the data file

  @DataSpec("lastName") // maps to `lastName` property in the data file
  FeedSpec<String> surname();

  @TemplateSpec("${firstName} ${lastName}")
  FeedSpec<String> fullName();

  @FunctionSpec(params = "age", provider = DateOfBirthCalculator.class)
  FeedSpec<LocalDate> dateOfBirth();

  class DateOfBirthCalculator implements FunctionProvider {
    LocalDate toDateOfBirth(int age) {

// Sample usage
List<Person> person = Instancio.ofList(Person.class)
    .applyFeed(all(Person.class), feed -> feed.of(PersonFeed.class))

// Output:
// [Person[firstName="John", surname="Doe", fullName="John Doe", age=21, ...],
//  ...]

More info:

@Given annotation for injecting test fields and parameters

class ExampleTest {

    private String randomStringField;

    void example1(@Given List<String> randomList) {

    @ValueSource(strings = {"foo", "bar"})
    void example2(String fooOrBar, @Given long randomLong) {
        assertThat(fooOrBar).isIn("foo", "bar");

The @Given annotation can also be used with a custom GivenProvider implementation, e.g.

    private String customString;

Additionally, the @Given annotation can be used to define custom annotations:

@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
@interface NumericString {

    int length();

    class NumericStringProvider implements GivenProvider {
        public Object provide(ElementContext context) {
            NumericString numericString = context.getAnnotation(NumericString.class);
            return context.random().digits(numericString.length());

// Sample usage:
class ExampleTest {

    void example(@NumericString(length = 5) String digits) {

More info:

@InstancioSource enhancements

  • Added samples attribute - specifies the number of times a test method annotated with @InstancioSource will run.
  • Added Keys.INSTANCIO_SOURCE_SAMPLES setting - configures the default number of samples.

By default, starting from version 5.0.0, tests annotated with @InstancioSource will run 100 times. This is a potentially breaking change, as previously, they were executed only once.


class ExampleTest {

    void example1(Foo foo) {
        // will run 100 times with different instances of Foo

    @InstancioSource(samples = 250)
    void multipleArguments(Bar bar, Baz baz) {
        // will run 250 times with different instances of Bar and Baz

Support for generating intervals of various types, such as numeric and temporal values

Example: generate a list of vacations with start/end dates.

record Vacation(LocalDate start, LocalDate end) {}
  • The first vacation should start on 2000-01-01.
  • Each vacation should last between 1-3 weeks.
  • There should be 12-15 months between vacations.
IntervalSupplier<LocalDate> vacationDates = Instancio.gen()
    .intervalStarting(LocalDate.of(2000, 1, 1))
    .nextStart((end, random) -> end.plusMonths(random.intRange(12, 15)))
    .nextEnd((start, random) -> start.plusWeeks(random.intRange(1, 3)))

List<Vacation> vacations = Instancio.ofList(Vacation.class)
    .supply(field(Vacation::start), vacationDates.start())
    .supply(field(Vacation::end), vacationDates.end())

 // Sample output:
 // [Vacation[start=2000-01-01, end=2000-01-15],
 //  Vacation[start=2001-02-15, end=2001-03-08],
 //  Vacation[start=2002-03-08, end=2002-03-15],
 //  Vacation[start=2003-06-15, end=2003-07-06]]

Support for assign().valueOf() value with randomisation

Example: create a time period between 1 and 30 days, inclusive.

record TimePeriod(LocalDate start, LocalDate end) {}

TimePeriod period = Instancio.of(TimePeriod.class)
            .as((LocalDate start, Random random) -> start.plusDays(random.intRange(1, 30))))

// Sample output: TimePeriod[start=2012-01-22, end=2012-01-30]

Support for Hibernate Validator constraints


Value spec for shuffling arrays and collections

Read more


26 Jun 02:25
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What's Changed

Bug fix

  • Bug fix: error generating ZoneId on Java 17+ (#1077)


14 Jun 04:34
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What's Changed

Breaking changes to experimental APIs

  • Renamed the Cartesian product creation method from list() to create()
    .create(); // instead of list()

New Features

  • New top-level API withUnique(TargetSelector) for generating unique values for a given selector
List<Customer> customers = Instancio.ofList(Customer.class)
  • New top-level as(Function) API for applying a Function to the result
    This is syntactic sugar that can be used, for example, to convert the result to JSON.

Sample usage:

String json = Instancio.of(Person.class).as(json());

// where json() is a user-defined function
static <T> Function<T, String> json() {
    return result -> new ObjectMapper()
  • New setting Keys.STRING_CASE for specifying the case of generated strings (upper, lower, mixed):
Comment comment = Instancio.of(Comment.class)
    .withSetting(Keys.STRING_CASE, StringCase.MIXED)

or globally using


  • Improved handling of sealed abstract types.
    Instancio will use a random subclass as the subtype unless a specific subtype is specified explicitly.

  • Error message improvements


  • Deprecated the experimental instancio-quickcheck module

Full Changelog: instancio-parent-4.7.0...instancio-parent-4.8.0


27 May 02:32
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What's Changed

New Features

New top-level APIs for creating blank objects

  • Instancio.createBlank(Class<T>)
  • Instancio.ofBlank(Class<T>)
  • setBlank(TargetSelector)

A blank object has the following properties:

  • null value fields (strings, numbers, dates)
  • blank nested POJOs
  • empty arrays and collections

For example:

Person person = Instancio.createBlank(Person.class);

// Output:
// Person[
//    name=<null>,
//    dateOfBirth=<null>,
//    phoneNumbers=[] // empty List
//    address=Address[street=<null>, city=<null>, country=<null>] // blank nested POJO

Customising the object using the builder API:

Person person = Instancio.ofBlank(Person.class)
    .generate(field(Person::getPhoneNumbers), gen -> gen.collection().size(2))
    .set(field(Address::getCountry), "Canada")
    .set(field(Phone::getCountryCode), "+1")

// Output:
// Person[
//    name=<null>,
//    dateOfBirth=<null>,
//    phoneNumbers=[Phone[countryCode=+1,number=<null>], Phone[countryCode=+1,number=<null>],
//    address=Address[street=<null>, city=<null>, country=Canada]

String generator spec unicode() method

Comment comment = Instancio.of(Comment.class)
    .generate(field(Comment::getText), gen -> gen.string().unicode().length(30))

// Sample output:
// Comment[text="﹩檘𤤑옖廪🕺样𝠴🪘𫢋荡𩓋喇䶷蝦𱠕𘡹𑜸𢴛𤫡ϛ𱪽𐳙𦾆𢰫𭏉𫥻𬒊儲Ẃ"]

The API also supports restricting characters to one or more Unicode blocks:

Character.UnicodeBlock[] blocks = {

Comment comment = Instancio.of(Comment.class)
    .generate(field(Comment::getText), gen -> gen.string().length(10).unicode(blocks))

// Sample output:
// Comment[text="ф😬😅😟фҖӝ😲ЭӍ"]

In addition, Unicode strings can be generated using the Gen class:

String unicodeString = Gen.string().unicode().length(50).get();

New setting Keys.STRING_TYPE

The new setting allows customising generated string types via Settings:

Comment comment = Instancio.of(Comment.class)
    .withSetting(Keys.STRING_TYPE, StringType.ALPHANUMERIC)

or globally using


Support for generating numeric sequence strings

Numeric sequence strings can be generated using the numericSequence() spec method or Keys.STRING_TYPE setting:

record Phone(String countryCode, String number) {}

List<Phone> phones = Instancio.ofList(Phone.class)
    .withSetting(Keys.STRING_TYPE, StringType.NUMERIC_SEQUENCE)

// Sample output:
// [Phone[countryCode=1,number=2],
//  Phone[countryCode=3,number=4],
//  Phone[countryCode=5,number=6]]

This setting can be combined with Keys.STRING_FIELD_PREFIX_ENABLED to produce sequential strings that are prefixed with field name:

List<Phone> phones = Instancio.ofList(Phone.class)
    .withSetting(Keys.STRING_FIELD_PREFIX_ENABLED, true)
    .withSetting(Keys.STRING_TYPE, StringType.NUMERIC_SEQUENCE)

// Sample output:
// [Phone[countryCode=countryCode_1,number=number_2],
//  Phone[countryCode=countryCode_3,number=number_4],
//  Phone[countryCode=countryCode_5,number=number_6]]

  • Perf: minor string generator improvement by @armandino in #1017
  • String generator spec unicode() method + StringType setting by @armandino in #1018
  • New setting StringType.NUMERIC_SEQUENCE for generating sequential strings by @armandino in #1019
  • Add numericSequence() to string generator spec by @armandino in #1020
  • Minor refactoring: extract selector base class by @armandino in #1022
  • New top-level APIs for creating blank objects by @armandino in #1021
  • If a primitive target is set to null, set the value to the primitive's default by @armandino in #1027
  • Renamed withBlank() to setBlank() by @armandino in #1028
  • Bump version.kotlin from 1.9.24 to 2.0.0 by @dependabot in #1023
  • Bump jakarta.validation:jakarta.validation-api from 3.0.2 to 3.1.0 by @dependabot in #1025
  • Bump jakarta.persistence:jakarta.persistence-api from 3.0.0 to 3.2.0 by @dependabot in #1024
  • Revert "Bump jakarta.persistence:jakarta.persistence-api from 3.0.0 to 3.2.0" by @armandino in #1029
  • Bug fix: collection/map spec with subtype throws exception from GeneratorProvider SPI by @armandino in #1030

Full Changelog: instancio-parent-4.6.0...instancio-parent-4.7.0