Freeplane script to organise highlighted text and notes from pdf files as Freeplane mindmap
Tcl UpdatedNov 8, 2024 -
AceGen-GettingStarted Public
Some basic examples to get started with Mathematica+AceGen to build functions, material models, element formulations for Matlab/Fortran/C++
tools, scripts, and helpers for post-processing of LS-DYNA input/output/keyword files mostly using PYTHON
Python UpdatedAug 6, 2024 -
ushl_LS-Dyna_Fortran Public
Basics to implement user-defined shell elements (ushl, uel) in LS-Dyna with Fortran
C++ UpdatedJul 19, 2024 -
Python tool to extract highlighted text from a pdf file and write this text into the content of each annotation
usld_LS-Dyna_Fortran Public
Basics to implement user-defined elements (usld, uel) in LS-Dyna with Fortran
history_hsv-manager_LS-Dyna Public
A manager for LS-Dyna Fortran to store and retrieve data (scalars, tensors, ...) in the list of history variables hsv.
Fortran UpdatedMay 31, 2024 -
usrmat_LS-Dyna_Fortran Public
Basics to implement user-defined materials (usrmat, umat) in LS-Dyna with Fortran
User-Elements_UEL_LS-Dyna Public
Interface and implementation of user-elements in LS-Dyna
UpdatedApr 30, 2024 -
A manager for LS-Dyna Fortran to retrieve material parameters by name from the list of parameters cm.
Fortran UpdatedDec 14, 2023 -
A module containing elasto-plastic material models (Hill-Plasticity) with straightforward extension to various hardening laws.
Fortran subroutine to check acoustic tensor for loss of ellipticity
Fortran UpdatedJul 17, 2023 -
Fortran code for the transformation into the logarithmic strain space
A python script to enter umat and utan subroutines from a single file into multiple object files.
Repository containing Fortran source code for the implementation of gradient-enhancement by weakly staggered thermomechanical coupling in commerical FEM-Software, exemplary shown for LS-Dyna
ttb Public
Forked from adtzlr/ttbTensor Toolbox for Modern Fortran
Fortran module helping with umats for implicit time integration
A modular class containing elasto-plastic material models (Hill-Plasticity) with straightforward extension to various hardening laws.
Functions to implement volumetric locking-free elements using the F-bar element formulation in deal.II
Sacado_Tensors_dealII Public
Testing capabilities of Trilinos-Sacado in combination with e. g. tensors
Numerical_examples_in_dealii Public
A collection of different numerical examples implemented in deal.ii. Besides the geometry and mesh, the scripts also apply the boundary conditions if desired.
Scripts to manage your parameters from deal.II in spreadsheets and export them by a single click to an auto-generated deal.II compatible prm-Parameters file
Implementation of helper functions to use selective reduced integration (SRI) for the assembly routine in deal.II
Proposal of a framework and functions to handle 2D computations such as axial symmetry or plane strain in deal.ii
dealii Public
Forked from dealii/dealiiThe development repository for the deal.II finite element library.
C++ Other UpdatedDec 29, 2021 -
C++ code using the deal.ii library for the transformation into the logarithmic strain space
Custom_Doxygen_Documentation Public
Create a Doxygen documentation page from a standard C++ Code file
C++ UpdatedAug 13, 2021 -
Functions and guide to use automatic differentiation for material modelling in deal.II on the element and QP level
LaTeX-standalone-packer Public
Scripts to pack all external file dependencies of a LaTeX file into a local folder
Some basics, settings and files for the straightforward use of LS-Opt for parameter identifications
1 UpdatedMar 19, 2021