The preview of the camera will be drawn on a 1x1 pixel surface. At this point the preview input of the camera will be analysed at a given interval. To detect a movement the picture will be dived into tiles. For each tile the average brightness will be calculated. If a average value of a single tile differs from the previous value, a motion is registered.
- Copy all classes of the subpackge
into your project. Adapt the package names. - There must be a
in your layout:
android:id="@+id/surfaceView" />
- create instance of
motionDetector = new MotionDetector(this, (SurfaceView) findViewById(;
- call lifecycle methods:
motionDetector.onResume() and .onPause()
- register callbacks
motionDetector.setMotionDetectorCallback(new MotionDetectorCallback() {
public void onMotionDetected() {
txtStatus.setText("Bewegung erkannt");
public void onTooDark() {
txtStatus.setText("Zu dunkel hier");
there are some important parameters that can be adjusted at runtime.
Method | Description | Default |
motionDetector.setCheckInterval(500); | milliseconds between pictures to compare. less = less energy cos t | 500 |
motionDetector.setLeniency(20); | maximal tolerence of difference in pictures. less = more sensible | 20 |
motionDetector.setMinLuma(1000); | minimum brightness. if lower the callback onTooDark is called | 1000 |
- Permissions must be given in the AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-feature android:name="" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
- if
is greater than 21 you have to implement Runtime Permissions - the detection is only running while the activity is active. It may make sense to build in a Wake-Lock.
- Parts of the code is taken from
Jonas Gehring Apache license 2.0