Snippets collection for a set of different programming languages.
The only goal is to have one community driven repository for all kinds of snippets in all programming languages, this way you can have it all in one place.
Use your plugin manager of choice, e.g.
{ "kevinm6/snippets" }
Neovim (native)
⚠️ Requirements:
- nvim >= 0.10
- nvim-snippets
- nvim commit f1775da
-- Example config { "garymjr/nvim-snippets", event = "InsertEnter", dependencies = { "kevinm6/snippets" }, opts = function(_, o) o.extended_filetypes = { javascript = { "jsdoc" }, lua = { "luadoc" }, java = { "javadoc", "java-testing" }, quarto = { "markdown" }, } o.search_paths = { vim.fn.stdpath "data" .. "/lazy/snippets" } end }
If you're using LuaSnip make sure to use
, and addsnippets
as a dependency for LuaSnip, otherwise snippets might not be detected. If you don't uselazy_load()
you might notice a slower startup-time{ "L3MON4D3/LuaSnip", dependencies = { "kevinm6/snippets" }, }
use "kevinm6/snippets"
Plug "kevinm6/snippets"
This collection of snippets should work with any snippet engine that supports loading vscode snippets. Like for example:
This is handled by your snippet engine and has nothing to do with this snippets collection
There's extra snippets included in this repo but they are not added by default,
since it would be irrelevant for people not using those frameworks. See
For example: if you want to add rails snippets to ruby.
With LuaSnip:
require'luasnip'.filetype_extend("ruby", {"rails"})
With vim-vsnip:
let g:vsnip_filetypes.ruby = ['rails']
This is handled by your snippet engine and has nothing to do with this snippets collection
With LuaSnip, see help luasnip-loaders
-- Lazy
event = "InsertEnter",
dependencies = {
-- set as dependencies to be loaded when nvim-cmp is loaded
-- "hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp",
-- "hrsh7th/cmp-buffer",
-- Packer
use "kevinm6/snippets"
-- Plug
Plug "kevinm6/snippets"
PLEASE NOTE: If you're using Lazy, you must add friendly-snippets
as an nvim-cmp dependency, otherwise it may be loaded after other plugins. See this issue and this issue for more information. As an example:
return {
dependencies = {
config = function()
-- the rest of your configuration
- Add all included snippets to the Wiki.
A good portion of the snippets have been forked from the following repositories: