I am a data scientist with a Master's degree in Data Science, passionate about exploring innovative solutions to complex data problems. Here you will find a variety of repositories, ranging from academic projects to real-world data analysis examples.
I love to solve probelms using statstics and machine learning modeling whether it is hypothesis testing or feature selection. I have experience in transforming data in machine lovable formats for better results and I have proficiency in Python, Java, and R programming languages. I also have experience working with various development and database tools, such as MySQL Workbench and MongoDB, and data analytical and visualization tools, including Tableau and Google Data Studio.
My repositories include examples of data science and engineering projects, where I have collaborated with team members, communicated insights, and delivered actionable solutions. These repositories can be helpful for others' projects and data careers by providing examples of best practices and real-world applications.
Feel free to explore my repositories, fork them, and contribute to them. I am always open to enthusiastic collaborations and contributions to interesting projects. Let's connect and explore the possibilities of how we can learn and grow together in the field of Data Science.
Check out my portfolio at: https://koushik2299.github.io/
🔭 I’m currently working on Drowsiness Detection Using Deep Learning
🌱 I’m currently learning Docker, Flask, AWS, GCP, Pyspark
📫 How to reach me saikoushik.gsk@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences View My Resume)