Welcome to security-courses a free template and security courses written in LaTeX code, but assumed to be useful for others.
It contains slides and exercise booklets I use for presenting various subjects.
You are welcome to copy from it.
Feel free to send comments to me: hlk@kramse.org
This is supposed to be free. Free as in you can do almost whatever you like. My materials are licensed under BSD 3-Clause License
- a very open source friendly license. So you are free to use this even for commercial purposes.
Note: I do know that screenshots and images will probably have some restrictions.
IANAL but screenshots are to my knowledge considered to be references and citations, which according to danish law are allowed to be included. Most screenshots are from Open Source projects anyway, but if you have any problems with this please contact me.
I try to reference all sources in the presentations, and IANAL but quoting seems OK in most jurisdictions.
I use some pictures from Unsplash https://unsplash.com/ and try to remember to include references, sorry for any pictures were I forgot.
You need to use Git to get the sources, try cloning it.
I am currently moving from Github to Codeberg.org, so my current configuration is:
$ git remote -v
origin git@codeberg.org:kramse/security-courses.git (fetch)
origin git@github.com:kramse/security-courses.git (push)
origin git@codeberg.org:kramse/security-courses.git (push)
You need some installation of LaTeX, for instance the TeXLive See this reference: http://www.tug.org/texlive/
I have moved to latexmk, so you may want to add settings similar to your $HOME/.latexmkrc
$pdf_mode = 1;
$pdf_previewer = 'evince';
$pdflatex="lualatex -shell-escape -synctex=1 %O %S";
$aux_dir = 'build';
This should make it easy to produce PDF files just by doing:
hlk@kunoichi:pentest-I-foredrag$ latexmk
Latexmk: This is Latexmk, John Collins, 5 February 2015, version: 4.43a.
Latexmk: applying rule 'pdflatex'...
Warning: shell escape is needed for the minted package providing syntax highlighting. If you don't trust me, leave it out.
Speaking of the minted package, it needs a small option, if you opt to use the build dir aux_dir above.
Normally you would use:
but with aux_dir enabled as above:
I think having all the misc files from LaTeX'ing in another dir is nicer.
I have decided to use ONLY UTF-8 too, so some files need to be converted - work in progress
iconv −f ISO−8859−1 −t UTF−8
You need to tell LaTeX to find included files and packages with the TEXINPUTS
As an example my login profile on my Mac OS X laptop contains the following settings suitable for TeXLive and this package:
export TEXINPUTS=:~/projects/security-courses//
Look into the first-presentation files for some samples and the documentation. The documentation is mostly a sample of how the final output can look and includes some common construct to get you started using this.
Second you might want to take a look at the hackerworkshop course which is a full course included.
I love LaTeX and it easily produces high-quality output both for printing and screen presentations.
If you don't know LaTeX then use the existing presentations as they probably contain most of what you need.
Adding LaTeX code in the middle of a document is wrong, you should rather update the classes and stylesheet for that! (I know some of my presentations contain LaTeX-code in the middle, sorry I am lazy ;-) )
Best regards
Henrik Kramselund