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Official code repository for NeurIPS 2022 paper "Chaotic Dynamics are Intrinsic to Neural Network Training with SGD"


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Chaotic Dynamics are Intrinsic to Neural Network Training with SGD

Welcome to the repository of our NeurIPS 2022 paper "Chaotic Dynamics are Intrinsic to Neural Network Training with SGD"

This repository is structured in two subfolders: A folder o2grad, containing the O2Grad package and a folder experiments, containing the files used to run the experiments in the respective section of the paper.

To reproduce the experiments, you will need to go through the following 3 steps:

1. Setup the Python environment

Recreate the Python virtual environment by entering in a terminal from inside the repository root folder:

> python -m venv .chaotic_nips22
> pip install -r requirements.txt

If you prefer conda for package management, we highly recommend you use mamba to install the dependencies. Install by running

> conda install mamba -n base -c conda-forge
> mamba env create -f environment.yml

2. Setup O2Grad

Setup the o2grad package by running from a terminal inside the repository root folder:

> cd o2grad
> python develop

2.1 If you're experiencing problems with the installation

Here is a list of the main dependencies:

pip install torch==1.11.0+cu113 torchvision==0.12.0+cu113 torchaudio==0.11.0 -f
pip install torch-scatter torch-sparse -f
pip install hydra-core --upgrade
pip install neptune-client
pip install pytorch-lightning
pip install matplotlib

Be sure to choose the right cudatoolkit for Pytorch for the cuda version on the GPU if you plan to run experiments on GPU.

3. Rerun the experiments

Finally, you will need to modify in experiments/ to suit your needs. We provide two logging options: (recommended) or Tensorboard. Assuming you have an account on, the simplest solution would be to replace the following lines in

#L108-109 in

# api_key='XXXX',

with your own Neptune API key and your own project name to log your experiments there.

Start an experiment by running with the following options (as defined in experiments/config):

Option Description
dataset Default: 'usps'. Choose 'usps' or 'fmnist' as dataset
batch_size Default: 8. Define the batch size
max_epochs Default: 40. Define the number of epochs of the run
gpus Default: []. GPUs to use, e.g 'cuda:0'
parallel Default: 1. How many models to run in parallel (not utilized for current experiments)
perturb_strat Default: None. Define strategy for perturbation, e.g. 'max_chaos' or 'all' to do all 5 at once
perturb_eps Default: [1e-1]. List of epsilons of model perturbations
eps_eigh Default: 0.0. If >0, stabilizes eigh calculation of matrices A by adding A + eps_eigh * I
eigenthings_path Default: None. Path from which to reload stored eigenthings
seed Default: None. If provided, will load model with seed specified
debug Default: False. If set, toggles debugging options and dataset
log_eigenthings Default: True. Logs eigenpairs and related info
log_lyapunov Default: True. Logs eigenpairs of Lyapunov matrix
log_subsim False. Logs subspace similarity of the hessian
log_lyapunov_subsim Default: False. Log subspace similarity for global chaos directions
log_freq Default: 1. Log metrics every log_freq step. We suggest using 10 for subsim experiments
plot_eigs_every Default: 0. After how many steps to log plots of eigenvalue spectra
plot_mats_every Default: 0. After how many steps to log plots of matrices
plot_trajectories Default: False. If true, will plot chaotic trajectories
save_eigenthings Default: False. Save lyapunov eigenspectrum after training
save_lyapunov_at Default: None. Epoch at which to store the Lyapunov matrix
offline Default: False. Disables logging on neptune
t_lya_subsim Default: None. Disables Subsim else give list of timesteps t_0 to fix subspace and compare with later ones
lyapunov_perturb_vecs Default: None. Define path for lyapunov eigenvectors for perturbation
lyapunov_perturb_vals Default: None. Define path for lyapunov eigenvalues for perturbation
save_hessian_dist_every Default: 0. Set to zero for not saving the eigenvals of the hessian every n steps
signal_noise_window Default: 0. Set to zero for not saving the signal noise
logger_type Default: 'neptune'. Either 'neptune' or 'tensorboard'
tags Default: []. Flags to use for logging
name If: 'cnn'. The following two options are specific to CNNs
base_channels Default: 4. Base dimension of the CNN channels
block_cnt Default: 1. Number of -> conv -> activation -> blocks in CNN
activation Default: 'relu'.
name Default: 'mlp'. The following option is specific to MLPs
inter_dim Default: 20. Output dimension of the first linear layer
name Default: 'sgd'. Either sgd or cgd
momentum Default: 0. Momentum to use for SGD or CGD optimizer
lr Default: 0.001. Trainer learning rate
name If: 'cgd'. Either sgd or cgd. The following options are specific to CGD
k Default: None. If optimizer is cgd, will only prune k eigenvalues
prune_global Default: False. If set, will first train the model normally and then prune it using the directions provided
prune_global_checkpoint Default: None. If set, will prune directions provided in checkpoint
prune_set Default: 'chaotic'. Set of Hessian eigenvalues from which to prune
prune_k Default: 'top_abs'. Pruning rule
prune_start Default: 0. The step at which to start pruning
noise Default: False. Will generate random noise on pruned dimensions instead of pruning
noise_fac Default: None. Level of noise to use on pruned dimensions


3.1. Pruning Experiments

By default, the experiments will run with regular SGD. To rerun the pruning experiments, you need to use the CGD optimizer. As an example, if you want to use pruning of the top magnitude components of the negative spectrum for the MLP model and log metrics related to the Lyapunov matrix, you could do this as optim=cgd optim.k=100 optim.prune_set=neg logging.log_lyapunov=True

For a full overview of the parameters that can be adapted in the CGD optimizer, see experiments/config/optim/cgd.yaml.

3.2 Distance Experiments

For the distance experiments you need to run a single training with SGD with Lyapunov calculation first: save_eigenthings='True' seed=42

And then load the respective eigenvectors file that was created after training in './storage/..'. Define perturbation magnitudes and strategies as follows (perturb_strat='all' for all different strategies at once). Use the same seed! seed=42 model=mlp dataset=usps logging.log_eigenthings=False logging.log_lyapunov=False logging.lyapunov_perturb_eigs='path/to/save' perturb_eps=[1e-1] perturb_strat='all' parallel=5

This will train multiple models in parallel thus calculating the Lyapunov matrix here is not recommended.

3.3. Subspace Similarities

For a the subspace similarity experiment with a CNN without momentum on USPS, start the run with:'cnn' logging.log_lyapunov_subsim=True logging.t_lya_subsim=[10,1e+4]

4. Experiment Table

Figure 2a from the paper.

Below, we provide an experiment table with detailed commands for running the experiments used to generate all figures used in the main paper:

Figure Label Command
Figure 1  mlp - usps - sgd - 0.0 - / model=mlp dataset=usps optim=sgd optim.momentum=0.0
Figure 1  mlp - usps - cgd - 0.0 - chaotic model=mlp dataset=usps optim=cgd optim.momentum=0.0 prune_set=chaotic
 Figure 1  mlp - usps - cgd - 0.0 - pos model=mlp dataset=usps optim=cgd optim.momentum=0.0 prune_set=pos
 Figure 1  mlp - usps - cgd - 0.0 - neg model=mlp dataset=usps optim=cgd optim.momentum=0.0 prune_set=neg
 Figure 2  mlp - usps - sgd - 0.0 - / model=mlp dataset=usps optim=sgd optim.momentum=0.0
 Figure 2  mlp - usps - cgd - 0.0 - 2k model=mlp dataset=usps optim=sgd optim.momentum=0.0 prune_start=2000
 Figure 2  mlp - usps - cgd - 0.0 - 5k model=mlp dataset=usps optim=sgd optim.momentum=0.0 prune_start=5000
 Figure 2  mlp - usps - cgd - 0.0 - 10k model=mlp dataset=usps optim=sgd optim.momentum=0.0 prune_start=10000
 Figure 3a  usps - mlp - 0.0 seed=42 model=mlp dataset=usps logging.log_eigenthings=False logging.log_lyapunov=False logging.lyapunov_perturb_eigs='path/to/save' perturb_eps=[1e-1] perturb_strat='all' parallel=5
 Figure 3a fmnist - mlp - 0.0 seed=42 model=mlp dataset=fmnist logging.log_eigenthings=False logging.log_lyapunov=False logging.lyapunov_perturb_eigs='path/to/save' perturb_eps=[1e-1] perturb_strat='all' parallel=5
 Figure 3b mlp - usps - 0.0 Use the distance data from above and the function fit_theoretical_bound from experiments.utils. The minimal and maximal Lyapunov exponents are created in the run that saved the eigenvalues. Use the same seed for both runs.


Official code repository for NeurIPS 2022 paper "Chaotic Dynamics are Intrinsic to Neural Network Training with SGD"







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