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Note: This is not an officially supported way of installing kots. If you're looking for using this in a supported way, check the kots documentation

This helm chart allows installing and configuring KOTS via Helm.


UI based install

    helm upgrade --install [RELEASE_NAME] . --namespace [NAMESPACE] --create-namespace --set password=[KOTSADM_PASSWORD]
    kubectl port-forward -n [NAMESPACE] svc/kotsadm 8800:3000

Local dev

Run script located in the scripts directory of this repository to create a chart. The input parameter is the kots version to package

./scripts/ 1.75.0

To build a chart that uses ttl images, run the script located in the scripts directory. The input parameter is the commit sha that matches that of the kots ttl images that were pushed.

./scripts/ 3db5e3c