Iterable_orm allows you to filter, exclude and sort data using similer API provided by Django ORM. The data needs to be a list of objects or dictionary. Python 2 & 3 is supported.
Iterable_orm gives you the following API
filter - Returns a new list of objects or dictionaries that match the given lookup parameters
exclude - Returns a new list of objects or dictionaries that do not match the given lookup parameters
get - Returns a single object or dictionary if there's two matches returns an exception
order_by - Returns a list ordered objects or dictionaries
first - Returns the first object or dictionary of filtered or exlcude data
last - Returns the first object or dictionary of filtered or exlcude data
count - Returns a lenth of filtered or exlcude or dictionaries
Please note that Iterable_orm does not support Q like objects offered by Django ORM, but offers a way around by passing anonymous function to filter or exclude function e.g manager.filter(age=lambda x: x >= 20 and x <= 30)
Pass a list of objects or dictionary to Queryset
from iterable_orm import QuerySet
Accounts = [ A list of account objects that have attribute such as name, email, age, gender ect ]
manager = Queryset(Accounts)
You can filter and exclude data by value or lookups, such as gt, gte, lt, lte, startswith, istartswith, endswith, contains, icontains, value_in, value_not_in, value_range, date_range(expects a datetime object) or anonymous function.
iterable_orm also allows you to filter related objects using the standard double-underscore notation to separate related fields, e.g manager.filter(parent__name='John'), this filters by parent.child == 'John'.
All filtering and exlcuding are lazy so you can construct as many filtering as you like and its only evaluated on iterating, calling count, first, last and order_by.
Below are code examples of filtering and excluding,
from iterable_orm import QuerySet
Accounts = [A list of account objects that have attribute such as name, email, age, gender ect ]
manager = Queryset(Accounts)
# Filter accounts with age greater than 25 and exclude if gender is male
data = manager.filter(age__gt=20).exclude(gender='male')
# Filter using lamda
data = manager.filter(age=lambda x: x >= 20 and x <= 30).exclude(gender='male')
# Filter accounts with the name starting with letter 's' and gender is female
data = manager.filter(name__istartswith='s').exclude(gender='female')
# Filter accounts who have registred from 2014 till 2016 of current date and who are a female
data = manager.filter(registered__date_range=(,'female')
# Filter accounts who have registred from 01-01-2015 till 2016 and who are a female if date is string object
data = manager.filter(registered__date_range=('01-01-2015', '01-01-2016')).exclude(gender='female')
You can filter data by value or lookups, such as gt, gte ect.
Below are code examples of filtering,
from iterable_orm import QuerySet
Accounts = [A list of account objects that have
such as name, email, age, gender ect ]
manager = Queryset(Accounts)
# Filter accounts with age greater that 25
data = manager.filter(age__gt=20)
# Filter accounts with age less that 25 and who are a male
data = manager.filter(age__lt=20, gender='male')
# Get number of accounts with age 20 and who are a female
data = manager.filter(age__gt=20, gender='female').count()
# Filter accounts with name starting with letter 's'
data = manager.filter(name__istartswith='s')
# Filter accounts who have registred from 01-01-2015 till 2016
data = manager.filter(registered__date_range=('01-01-2015', '01-01-2016'))
# Filter accounts who have friends who are a male
data = manager.filter(friends__gender='male')
# Filter accounts with date range
data = manager.filter(registered__value_range=('2015-11-15', '2015-11-16')
# chain filter e.g
data = manager.filter(name__istartswith='s').filter(gender='male')
You can Exclude data by value or lookups such as gt, gte ect. Below are code examples of exlcude function:
from iterable_orm import QuerySet
Accounts = [A list of account objects that have attribute such as name, email, age, gender ect ]
manager = Queryset(Accounts)
# Exclude accounts with age greater that 25
data = manager.exclude(age__gt=20)
# Exclude accounts with age less then 25 and who are a male
data = manager.exclude(age__lt=20, gender='male')
# Exclude accounts with name starting with letter 's'
data = manager.filter(name__istartswith='s')
# Exclude accounts who have registred from 01-01-2015 till 2016
data = manager.exclude(registered__date_range=('01-01-2015', '01-01-2016'))
# Exclude accounts who have friends who are a male
data = manager.filter(friends__gender='male')
# Chain exclude e.g.
data = manager.exclude(name__istartswith='s').exclude(gender='male')
You can order data by any value of object or dictionary :
from iterable_orm import QuerySet
Accounts = [A list of account objects that have attribute such as name, email, age, gender ect ]
manager = Queryset(Accounts)
# Order by name
data = manager.order_by('name)
# Order name by descending
data = manager.order_by('-name)
# Ordering by related lookup of friends name
data = manager.order_by('friends__name')
# Ordering by related lookup of friends name descending
data = manager.order_by('-friends__name')
Unit test inlcudes full example usage of the API
To tun unit test run:
Install the latest release with:
pip install iterable_orm
Python 2.7, 3.0 to 3.5