- St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada
- @seantunwin
Eric Elliott
🔥 Manager, Adobe Firefly
🪄 Conjured SudoLang
📖 Author, "Composing Software"
🤖 AI, AIDD, Web3, TDD, JavaScript
💻 EricElliottJS.com
The metaverse
Remy Sharp
JavaScript (node + client side) developer with web experience starting in 1999. Contact me for any work or questions about JS I might be able to help you with.
Left Logic / @leftlogic Brighton, UK
npm inventor, founder npm, Inc.
Former Node BDFL.
All opinions are my own. Literally all of them. I own them all.
vlt.sh Oakland CA
Chris Coyier
I’m the co-founder of CodePen, a social development environment for web designers and developers. CodePen is a front-end focused IDE in the browser.
@codepen Bend, Oregon
Sindre Sorhus
Full-Time Open-Sourcerer. Focused on Swift & JavaScript. Makes macOS apps, CLI tools, npm packages.
Ian Lunn
Front-end Developer, author of CSS3 Foundations, and creator of Hover.css and Sequence.js. Building successful websites since 2008.
@GameAnalytics Devon, UK