shannonmoeller.com Public
Source code to my personal site. (Hint: It's exactly the same as what ships to the browser.)
livery Public
CLI to reload browsers when files change with LiveReload.
mute Public
Politely tells stdout and stderr to shut the heck up for a moment.
tidbyt-community Public
Forked from tidbyt/communityA publishing platform for apps developed by the Tidbyt community 🚀
Starlark Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 3, 2023 -
reset-css Public
An unmodified* copy of Eric Meyer's CSS reset. PostCSS, webpack, Sass, and Less friendly.
vim-monokai256 Public
Forked from tomasr/molokaiMolokai color scheme for Vim
vim-javascript Public
Forked from pangloss/vim-javascriptVastly improved Javascript indentation and syntax support in Vim.
Vim Script UpdatedFeb 15, 2023 -
TypeScript Public
Forked from microsoft/TypeScriptTypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 31, 2022 -
require-glob Public
Requires multiple modules using glob patterns and combines them into a nested object.
prettier_d_slim Public
Forked from mikew/prettier_d_slimTypeScript MIT License UpdatedNov 28, 2021 -
eslint_d.js Public
Forked from mantoni/eslint_d.jsMakes eslint the fastest linter on the planet
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 23, 2021 -
cli-columns Public
Columnated lists for the CLI. Unicode and ANSI safe.
storybook Public
Forked from storybookjs/storybook📓 The UI component explorer. Develop, document, & test React, Vue, Angular, Web Components, Ember, Svelte & more!
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedApr 23, 2021 -
baseweb Public
Forked from uber/basewebA React Component library implementing the Base design language
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 16, 2020 -
up Public
Quickly navigate to a parent directory via tab-completion.
find-config Public
Like findup-sync, but 2-4x faster and supports XDG-style `.config/` directories.
puppeteer-cluster Public
Forked from thomasdondorf/puppeteer-clusterPuppeteer Pool, run a cluster of instances in parallel
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedDec 5, 2019 -
gulp-hb Public
A sane Gulp plugin to compile Handlebars templates. Useful as a static site generator.