Deployment of a number of Node.js services using the Node.js Moleculer microservices framework.
ansible-kafka Public
Ansible role for installing and configuring Apache Kafka on RedHat and Debian platforms.
ansible-zookeeper Public
Ansible role for installing and configuring Apache ZooKeeper
dcspy Public
Forked from emcek/dcspySoftware for integrating DCS Planes with Logitech keyboards with LCD
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 4, 2024 -
random-project-templates Public
Handy boilerplate templates when beginning new projects. Includes linting files, Github actions, and templates for Ansible, Docker, web development etc. Great as a starting point vs having to copy …
OpenFaas function to serve up pages from an S3 bucket (uses MinIO) via a Golang http handler.
k8s-scaler-app Public
Web application using Kubernetes API to list and scale deployments
Deployment files for Traefik v2 Kubernetes CRD for ingress
openfaas-slack Public
An OpenFaaS function to send messages to Slack channels
k3s-minio-deployment Public
Instructions and manifest files for deploying MinIO Object Storage on K3s.
raspberry-pi-k3s-homelab Public
Repository containing random notes on building my Raspberry Pi cluster and K3s deployment
k3s-keycloak-deployment Public
Instructions and manifest files for deploying Keycloak on K3s.
An OpenFaaS function written in Go to receive notification events from MinIO.
k8s-docker-registry Public
Kubernetes manifest files and instructions for deploying a Docker Registry and web user interface.
Kubernetes manifest files to deploy Traefik v2 configuration for using the forward authentication middleware to integrate with Keycloak.
keycloak-arm64 Public
Instructions for building Keycloak arm64 container image.
ansible-confluent-platform Public
Ansible role for installing Confluent Platform (https://www.confluent.io/)
docker-fluentd-gelf Public
Forked from qiq/docker-fluentd-gelfDocker image of Fluentd with GELF output plugin