Google, Stanford University
- California, Palo Alto.
- https://www.mostafamousavi.com/
- @smousavi05
EQTransformer Public
EQTransformer, a python package for earthquake signal detection and phase picking using AI.
sample-data-for-denoising Public
This repo contains sample seismic data that can be used to test seismic denoising performance. Same data has been used across multiple seismic densoing project which make it possible to benchmark y…
STEAD Public
STanford EArthquake Dataset (STEAD):A Global Data Set of Seismic Signals for AI
Deep-Bays-Loc Public
This repo includes codes for paper Bayesian-Deep-Learning Estimation of Local Earthquake Location from Single-Station Observations,
dl_seismology Public
This repo contains the database and supporting materials for Deep-Learning Seismology
GaMMA Public
Forked from AI4EPS/GaMMAGaMMA: Earthquake Phase Association using a Bayesian Gaussian Mixture Model
QuakeFlow Public
Forked from AI4EPS/QuakeFlowQuakeFlow: A Scalable Deep-learning-based Earthquake Monitoring Workflow with Cloud Computing
easyQuake Public
Forked from jakewalter/easyQuakeSimplified machine-learning driven earthquake detection, location, and analysis.
BlocklyEQTransformer Public
Forked from maihao14/BlocklyEQTransformerA Python Toolbox for Customizing Seismic Phase Pickers
MALMI Public
Forked from speedshi/MALMIMAchine Learning aided earthquake MIgration location
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 10, 2022 -
Awesome-Earth-Artificial-Intelligence Public
Forked from ESIPFed/Awesome-Earth-Artificial-IntelligenceA curated list of Earth Science's Artificial Intelligence (AI) tutorials, notebooks, software, datasets, courses, books, video lectures and papers. Contributions most welcome.
seisbench Public
Forked from seisbench/seisbenchSeisBench - The Seismology Benchmark collection
Denoising-BTwavelet Public
This repository contains MATLAB scripts and sample seismic data for appying seismid denoising proposed in: "Hybrid Seismic Denoising Using Higher‐Order Statistics and Improved Wavelet Block Thresho…
MagNet Public
A Machine-Learning Approach for Earthquake Magnitude Estimation
CRED Public
CRED: A deep residual network of convolutional and recurrent units for earthquake signal detection
Unsupervised_Deep_Learning Public
Unsupervised (Self-Supervised) Clustering of Seismic Signals Using Deep Convolutional Autoencoders
SiameseEarthquakeTransformer Public
Forked from MrXiaoXiao/SiameseEarthquakeTransformerTutorials and updated codes for the research paper: 'Siamese Earthquake Transformer: A pair-input deep-learning model for earthquake detection and phase picking on a seismic array.'
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedSep 28, 2021 -
DeepDenoiser Public
Forked from AI4EPS/DeepDenoiserDeepDenoiser: Seismic Signal Denoising and Decomposition Using Deep Neural Networks
This collection of codes can be used for extracting features from continuous seismic signals for different machine learning tasks.
kymatio Public
Forked from kymatio/kymatioWavelet scattering transforms in Python with GPU acceleration
This is a reverse algorithem for GCV method that removes the signal and keep the background noise
Denoising-Custom Public
Automatic Microseismic Denoising and Onset Detection using customized thresholding.
Denoising-NeighSTFT Public
Noise-level estimation using minima controlled recursive averaging approach and denoising using Stein's unbiased risk estimates in STFT domain.
HinetPy Public
Forked from seisman/HinetPyA Python package to request and process seismic waveform data from Hi-net.
Keras-GAN Public
Forked from eriklindernoren/Keras-GANKeras implementations of Generative Adversarial Networks.
3D-Machine-Learning Public
Forked from timzhang642/3D-Machine-LearningA resource repository for 3D machine learning
pygmt Public
Forked from GenericMappingTools/pygmtA Python interface for the Generic Mapping Tools