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šŸƒspring-rs is a application framework written in rust inspired by java's spring-boot


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spring-rs is application framework written in Rust, inspired by Java's SpringBoot

English ļ½œ äø­ę–‡ Documentation

spring-rs is an application framework that emphasizes convention over configuration, inspired by Java's SpringBoot. spring-rs provides an easily extensible plug-in system for integrating excellent projects in the Rust community, such as axum, sqlx, sea-orm, etc.

Compared with SpringBoot in java, spring-rs has higher performance and lower memory usage, allowing you to completely get rid of the bloated JVM and travel light.


use spring::{auto_config, App};
use spring_sqlx::{
    sqlx::{self, Row},
    ConnectPool, SqlxPlugin
use spring_web::{get, route};
use spring_web::{
    error::Result, extractor::{Path, Component}, handler::TypeRouter, axum::response::IntoResponse, Router,
    WebConfigurator, WebPlugin,
use anyhow::Context;

async fn main() {

async fn hello_world() -> impl IntoResponse {
    "hello world"

#[route("/hello/:name", method = "GET", method = "POST")]
async fn hello(Path(name): Path<String>) -> impl IntoResponse {
    format!("hello {name}")

async fn sqlx_request_handler(Component(pool): Component<ConnectPool>) -> Result<String> {
    let version = sqlx::query("select version() as version")
        .context("sqlx query failed")?