Desktop Application
May 30, 2018 - C#
Microsoft's SQL Server is a suite of relational database management system (RDBMS) products providing multi-user database access functionality. It originated from the Sybase SQL Server 4.x codebase and Transact-SQL dialect (t-sql), but it has forked significantly since then.
SQL Server is available in multiple versions (typically identified by release year), each of which are subdivided into editions to distinguish between product functionality. The latest released version is SQL Server 2019 which was released on November 4th, 2019.
Desktop Application
This is my personal web site (hub, portal). It is about me (biography), portfolio, my projects. It is also about sharing data, ideas and anything else with friends like my Personal Lifestyle Blog.
SQL solutions
This is my web form application ( gym management- Body flex gym )
The project aims to uncover insights related to loan applications, funding, repayments, and borrower demographics, facilitating data-driven decision-making in the banking sector.
SQL: From simple to complex
Saathiya is a matrimonial site, In this project customers can find his/her dream life partner and webmasters can earn well. This system is very user friendly. Members will be able to update, add, and delete their profiles. It’s easy and inexpensive to start and manage it for a long term for a web developer. Making a website using easy access and…
Personal Blog for Sharing Technical Articles and Insights
Examination work on subjects "Database Theory" and "Programming and Administration of the MS SQL Server DBMS"
RichMonitoring is a SQL Server Inventory soloution that takes information from a number of System Views & DMV's on a schedule you define and loads them into tables for querying and reporting.
MyWpfNLogDBApp is a .Net 6.0 Core which shows how to write from a WPF application to a MS-SQL database using NLog
CHI IT Academy homeworks (Each HW is on separate bracnch)
Data Analysis of Covid-19 Cases
MS SQL Server enterprise level database, serving as the heart of an automated ticket booking system
I will be submitting exersices from the third course, that I am currently undergoing at the Software University(SoftUni) in Sofia, from 18.09.17 untill 22.10.17. The concept of the course is for us to get to know one of the most widely used systems for database management DBMS. This is my first professional module at SoftUni, as I have chosen C#…
It is a project which manages doners payments for monastires and churches
Installing Kubernetes On-Prem and deploying SQL Server 2019 Availability Group
The application is developed using AspNetCore 6 and Blazor Server. Data storage MS SQL Server 2019, ORM Entity Framework Core 7. Data access is implemented using "Repository" pattern