English and European soccer results 1871-2022
Nov 10, 2022 - R
A video game genre that simulates the practice of sports.
English and European soccer results 1871-2022
An R package for working with NCAA Basketball Play-by-Play Data
An R package to quickly obtain clean and tidy college football play by play data
R Package for Sports betting
Stattleship R Wrapper
A scraping and aggregating package using the CollegeFootballData API
A college football recruiting package
R package to scrape data from basketball-reference.com
Scraper for NBA data
Modeling NFL Field Goal Probabilities in R
An R package making it easy to extract NHL data in a tidy format
Some R code that webscrapes the results of the 2018 Rotterdam marathon and visualizes it by means of a timelapse.
A Toolkit for Sports Injury and Illness Data Analysis
An R package for gathering men's NCAA basketball data.
NBA Shot Logs Analysis
A Data Analysis Project on US High Schools Track and Field top 500 athletes
Visualize a sports schedule (could be your own!)
Chiffres clés Jeunesse Engagement et Sports de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté