[Project started on 28-Aug-2022]
The aim is to fully understand the foundations of systems and applications starting from the lowest possible level. The idea is to create a fully working alternative to Raspbian OS and have fun!
To get an overview about current and future state refer to the CHANGELOG.md .
Go to the official webpage for more informations.
- Linux kernel 6.6.y
- Yocto ~ Scarthgap
- C
- C++/17
- Qt6/QML
- Python3
- Cmake
- SQLite3
- Bash scripts
- GStreamer
- GTK+3
- ZeroMQ
- POSIX thread
- Kernel drivers
- Rauc Update
Bunch Linux combines more repositories such as:
- burger-app (C++\17, Qt6/QML, SQLite3)
- sensors-app (C++\17, Qt6/QML)
- open-pipe-media-player (C, GStreamer, GTK+3)
- passivebuzzer-service (Python3)
- button-service (C++/17)
- networkchecker-service (Python3)
- auto-update-service (Bash Script)
- custom-kernel-modules (C)
System configuration and boot sequence deeply documented at:
- bunch-linux-boot-sequence (dts, kconfig)
Instruction on the official webpage
To test the latest prewiew please build from sources.
Contributing to a project like this can enhance your skills and elevate your awareness to a higher level. This project is rooted in the desire to thoroughly learn about systems and applications and more. Integrating applications into a customized and lightweight version of Linux provides a deeper understanding of the domain in which the applications are employed.
To get started, introduce yourself in the appropriate discussion.