Nim library for scraping google search results
The best way to install the library is by using nimble:
nimble install googlesearch
This is a simple example:
import googlesearch
for i, result in search("nim", 2):
echo i + 1, "/", 2, " ", result.url
echo " ", result.title
echo " ", result.snippet[0..70], "..."
Nim (programming language) - Wikipedia
Nim (formerly named Nimrod) is an imperative, general-purpose, multi-pa...
Nim Programming Language
Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It com...
This library includes a command-line tool:
$ googlesearch
Google search tool
Usage: googlesearch <query key> [<total results>]
You can simply use it search infos:
$ googlesearch "nim packages" 2
Nim package directory
Developer? Search for packages or jump directly to a package page. Nim
Package Directory generates and hosts documentation for packages.
Package ...
nim-lang/packages: List of packages for Nimble - GitHub
Nim packages. name - The name of the package, this should match the
name in the package's nimble file. url - The url from which to
retrieve the package. method - The method that should be used to
retrieve this package. tags - A list of tags describing this package.
description - A description of this package.
2 results.
You may want to do complex serch like this:
$ googlesearch '"nim libray" wrapper -gpl' 20