#TMM TMM (Teapot, Mustache, Mongo) is a simple to use Web/CRUD framework built on Pharo Smalltalk.
The main elements of the framework are:
- Teapot - a micro web framework]
- Mustache - a popular templating engine
- Mongo - a key/value store (a.k.a. noSQL database)
- Voyage - a small persistence framework for "mapping" to an object database
- Magritte3 - a meta data framework
- Zinc SSO - a single-sign-on framework
Some useful links:
- Teapot - Pharo repository
- Mustache - Pharo repository
- Mustache blog post
- Mustache website
- Voyage/MongoDB blog post
- Voyage - Pharo repository
- MongoDB website
- Zinc SSO documentation
The current version of TMM has been tested in Pharo4.0
To install in Pharo:
CodeImporter evaluateString:
'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yannij/TMM/master/ConfigurationOfTMM.st' asUrl retrieveContents.
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfTMM) project version: #'stable') load.
Find the config-sample.json file in the git filetree. Copy the file to the image directory, and name it "config.json". Edit the value of "staticFilePath" - point it at the "files" directory in the git filetree.
After MongoDB is running, set up the demo repository using:
TMMFlowerStore setUpMongo.
Start the web server using:
TMMFlowerStore runLocal.
From a web browser, go to: