This Reddit post made the Longlist for the 2015 Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards: Link
This was last updated on 2017-08-25 (reddit thread) in order to:
- Update the code for ggplot version 2.2.1
- Add a couple of joyplots through the ggjoy package.
These are a couple of polls inspired by the Sherman Kent CIA study shown in the images below (discussion in this thread). I was super happy when they matched up.
The raw data came from /r/samplesize responses to the following question: What [probability/number] would you assign to the phrase "[phrase]"? I have the raw CSV data from the poll in this repository.
Sherman-Kent Study:
/r/Samplesize Data:
With the new ggjoy package:
- Tool: The data was compiled with R, and graphed in ggplot2.
- Source: This data was gathered using Reddit's /r/samplesize community.