Build and improve custom datasets for your use case.

Glaive generates synthetic datasets for fine-tuning models that are faster, cheaper and consistently outperform general purpose models.

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Why train with Glaive data?

Instead of using massive general-purpose models which try to do everything, our synthetic datasets can be used to train smaller, more efficient models tailored towards a certain task.

Faster & cheaper inference

Our datasets enable you to train smaller models that are faster and cheaper to run.

Stay in control

Own the weights, integrate with your tech stack, and keep your data private. Our users own the models trained with Glaive, and are free to host them anywhere.

Quality over quantity

General purpose models can be unpredictable. Custom models are designed to be consistent and reliable at specific tasks.

Schemas instead of prompt engineering

Instead of relying on trial-and-error prompt engineering, Glaive uses schemas to define the structure of your prompts and responses.

Fully customizable datasets

No need to bring your own data, Glaive uses a proprietary data generation pipeline to generate high quality synthetic data for your specific use case.

Rapid iteration

Need to add new information, adjust content, or restructure formatting? Glaive makes it easy to iterate and improve on your training datasets.

Glaive exclusive

Designing your dataset with Glaive

1 | Describe task

Describe task

2 | Customize knowledge topics

Customize knowledge topics

3 | Design schema

Design schema

4 | Generate dataset

Generate dataset

5 | Download, train, & share

Download, train, & share

6 | Iterate & improve

Iterate & improve