Returns are accepted within 14 days, Refund or Exchange will be made only after the faulty item has been received by us.
If the item(s) are mishandled, physically damaged or distorted in any form other than the original factory condition refund / exchange will be cancelled. All faulty items must be reported to us within 7 days from the date of receipt.
Buyers are responsible for any return shipping cost.
Returns, Refunds and Exchange Policy
Returns, Refunds and Exchange is the scheme provided by various sellers listed on ‘gnggifts’s’ website available at or the mobile application under the brand name “gnggifts” (collectively “Platform”), in relation to specific products. Returns, refund and exchange policy gives you an option to return, or exchange items purchased on the Platform, for any reason within the specified return/exchange period, as detailed on the product details page. However, the return/exchange shall be eligible for products that are in good condition, as may be determined by Gnggifts.