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RESILIENT LITTLE HEARTS®️ on Instagram: "Cultivating your child’s heart is as much about surrender as it is about intentional investment 💛 Our misguided attempts at control, often occur because of fear or overwhelm. And many times, if our control becomes a consistent pattern in our parenting, it can drive away the very things we so desperately desire. Consider a seed... It needs care and a certain environment to thrive. But after those things are taken care of, all that remains is to trust…🌱 So release the pressure from your shoulders... Cultivate the right things in your child’s heart, & then trust 💛💛💛 #ResilientLittleHearts #resilience #emotionalhealth #emotionalintelligence #childdevelopment #childpsychology #parenting #parentingquotes"
Analisa Carrillo | Conscious Parenting on Instagram: "Many adults expect children to behave in ways that go against their natural development. Understanding child psychology helps us support their growth instead of demanding they fit into unrealistic molds. 💡✨ #ChildDevelopmentMatters #ParentWithUnderstanding"
Maria Elizabeth S Ho | Relationship Repair Coach on Instagram: "Hard truth: your child is watching how you handle love, conflict, and respect—and they’ll make it their pattern. If you’re done repeating the same fights and ready to lead by example, I’m here to help. Even if your partner isn’t fully on board yet, we can strategize together. DM me the word “Info123” to book a call. Let’s break toxic cycles, transform your marriage, and raise a new standard for your family—starting now! . 💛 I’m Maria, a relationship repair coach helping power couples reconnect, communicate better, and bring back intimacy…without arguments, fights or walking on eggshells. If you’re ready for real change, let’s make it happen. I got you! . ."
Nedra Glover Tawwab, Therapist on Instagram: "Relationships can be salvaged and repaired when people are accountable and willing to change. ⁣ Children under 18 years old or adults benefit from an apology, words of affirmation, and changed behavior. ⁣ #nedranuggets"
Jocelyn and Aaron Freeman, MSc Psych on Instagram: "Write ♥️ if you agree! As fellow parents, nothing motivates us more than knowing our daughter is learning what love + partnership looks like from us. We know you’re busy. We know you have a lot on your plate and to-do list. But know this: staying close and connected is really about all of the little things each day. After 36,000+ couples loved our previous 30-Day Couples Challenges, we created a special edition round to bring out the best in each other and your relationship! Comment the word SPARK for: ❤️ Intimacy Activities: fun & flirty (but realistic) activities designed to spark both emotional and physical intimacy ❤️ Connection Prompts: unique and unifying questions that will lead to laughter, deeper understanding, and creatin
Jocelyn and Aaron Freeman, MSc Psych on Instagram: "Write ♥️ if you agree & read 👇 Your marriage isn’t just about getting through life together—it’s about thriving as a team. It requires us to course-correct and grow together over time. It’s not about avoiding challenges—it’s about learning healthy tools and building habits that keep you connected, even in busy or hard seasons. And that’s why, after 36,000 couples loved our previous 30-Day Couples Challenges, we created a special edition round to reignite that spark in your marriage called: “The Best of Us” 💫 Comment the word SPARK for the 30 days of prompts focused on: ❤️ Intimacy Activities: fun & flirty (but realistic) activities designed to spark both emotional and physical intimacy ❤️ Connection Prompts: unique and unifying que
Jon Gustin on Instagram: "Comment “EPISODE” and I will send you our latest episode “Breaking The Cycle” from The Tired Dad and Tired Mom Podcast. Keep Showing Up!"
Lara Jalloul, MBPsS on Instagram: "Share this with your partner and tell them what you appreciate about them. ♥️"
Analisa Carrillo | Conscious Parenting on Instagram: "Gentle parenting isn’t soft—it’s strength under control. 💪 Setting boundaries with empathy, holding space for big emotions, and guiding with patience takes more courage than yelling or punishing ever could. Choosing connection over control doesn’t mean you’re being lenient; it means you’re teaching respect, emotional regulation, and trust. 💛 Gentle parenting is tough love done right. #GentleParenting #ParentingWithPurpose"
Sonnet | Toddler Mom Cycle Breaker on Instagram: "✨ We are raising a generation of change-makers. ✨ How incredible is it to witness children who: 💛 Set boundaries with confidence. 💛 Listen to their inner voice. 💛 Feel safe to express all their emotions. 💛 Understand that mistakes aren’t the end but an opportunity to grow. 💛 Know how to repair, forgive, and rebuild connections. 💛 Prioritize their mental well-being. 💛 Courageously challenge, “But why has it always been done this way?” These are the seeds we’re planting today—the foundation for a brighter, more compassionate tomorrow. Parenting isn’t perfect, but this intentionality matters. Let’s celebrate this beautiful shift. 💕 #proudmom #breakingcycles #nextgeneration #changemakers"
Barlas Günay on Instagram: "The way out is through reparenting ourselves and supporting one another on our healing journeys. In doing so, we shift from fear and dominance-driven systems to communities grounded in safety and healthy attachment. We then pass this on to our children, ensuring a virtuous cycle of self-love and cooperation, rather than a vicious cycle of self-betrayal and distrust. To dive deeper into these topics, become a part of a safe and private self-reparenting community, and to support my work and to ensure its continuation, sign up to our Patreon Self-reparenting Community. Link in bio! #acceptandact #love #relationships #dating #childhoodtrauma #overcomenormal #welcometoreality #freedomthroughawareness #empowerment #healing #selfhealers #therapy #therapysession #ther
Dr. Jordana Mortimer and Dr. Erin Avirett on Instagram: "✨Our attitude toward a situation sets the tone and can greatly influence how we respond to our children. ❓These questions can help you check your own mindset so you can help your child solve their problem calmly. ⚽️Many times, our kids do repetitive behaviors that grate on our nerves (like singing that same line of a song 10000 times, or kicking a ball against the wall to make incessant banging). But these situations do not need the same response or energy from you compared to when your child breaks a rule. 🍀We also want to ensure we give our kids a chance to solve their own problems so they have these skills to handle other problems in the future. 😌We are the most effective in our parenting when we are calm. This helps us
Josh Frank, LMSW on Instagram: "When an adult child attempts to hold their emotionally abusive or immature parent accountable for their harmful actions, one of the most common responses they’ll get is “I wasn’t the perfect parent.” There are other common ones like, “I gave you everything, “I did the best I could,” and “You should’ve seen how MY parents treated me!” All of these responses share a common theme: Complete lack of accountability. No acknowledgment of what their child is sharing, no effort to understand their experience, and no attempt at genuinely reflecting on past actions. In fact, it’s these same characteristics are what made these parents abusive to begin with. Every single parent will make many mistakes. So ‘perfection’ is out of the question. Yet abusive parents repeate
Chinyelu Kunz on Instagram: "Most of the time we really just want our child to listen to what we want them to do - we want a fast response because our thoughts are so full of all that we need to do that we fall short when it comes to really listening to what our child needs to say or wants to tell us. So how can we expect our child to really listen to us when the model that we’re giving them is the opposite? Parenting is so hard but when we make Mindfulness a daily practice we take small steps towards change. Listening takes conscious effort especially when it means being mindful because in the “space” we create when we really listen we validate our child as a valuable member of the family which lets them know that their voice matters. We validate our child’s right to be heard instead o
✨Michelle Kenney, M.Ed Certified Parenting Coach on Instagram: "💗💗💗We believe punishments teach children not to hit, to be kind to respect. But in fact punishments teach a child to punish someone else when they don’t get what they want. Perhpas that’s why so many children protest so badly when they aren’t afforded what they want, they are replicating the behaviors they see from their parents. Kids will forever make mistakes in fact all humans do! But punishments as we know from our incarceration rates, crime rates and criminal activity do not teach morality. Motility teaches mortality. Morality is learned by example, by watching those around us be moral, by modeling. Modeling is your most powerful tool in parenting. How are you using it today? What are you modeling? ‼️‼️‼️If