Business Cards, Reimagined

Profile pages, avatars, and email signatures that follow your team across the web. Connected to your company domain. Team branding made easy.

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Business cards example

Profile Pages for Your Team

Team profile pages set up in minutes. Custom designs that reflect your brand, SEO-optimized, and connected to your company domain.

Profiles example

Email Signatures, Made Simple

One dashboard to create and manage consistent email signatures across your organization. No more chasing employees for updates.

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Email signatures example

Branded Avatars Across The Web

When your customers see your team online, they'll know it's you. Maintain a consistent, professional branding with our avatar customization tools.

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Branded avatars example

Update Once, Change Everywhere

Team member changed roles? New headshots after the company retreat? Update your Gravatar profile and watch changes sync instantly across the web. Hours of admin work, gone.

Profile Synchronization example

Gravatar is used by

Data, Always Under Control

Manage your company's digital identity from one dashboard. Add new team members, update roles, maintain brand consistency, and keep full control over your data. A digital presence that grows with your team.

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Profile Synchronization example


Sync Gravatar With Your Tools

Connect your team's Gravatar profiles with your internal tools using our developer-friendly REST API and SDKs. Easy implementation with clear documentation and support.

Explore Our API Options

You Asked, We Answered

What is Gravatar Teams?

Gravatar Teams gives your company full control over employee digital identities. Create branded profiles, consistent avatars, and professional email signatures that follow your team across the web — all managed from one simple dashboard. It’s your company’s digital business card solution

Who can set up a Gravatar Teams account?

Anyone on your team can set up Gravatar Teams in under 15 minutes. No credit card required.

How is it different to the classic Gravatar?

Classic Gravatar is for individuals, while Gravatar Teams is built for companies. Teams lets your business create branded profiles for all employees, add company logos to avatars, and manage everything from one dashboard. Your HR team can update information across all profiles at once, ensuring consistent company branding wherever your team appears online.

Can I use my company domain?

Absolutely! You can run all profile pages on a subdomain: Or you can register a brand new domain on our sister service,, and map it to your Gravatar profile.

How can I get early beta access?

Ha! Glad you asked! Contact me on my Gravatar profile

Who owns Gravatar?

Gravatar is a service by Automattic, the company behind, Tumblr, Pocket Casts, Day One, Beeper, WooCommerce, and other popular web services. We are passionate about open-source and making the web a more accessible place.