Upcoming Events

Grace Covenant Class – New Membership

If you are looking to become a member (covenantor) here at Grace…this is the class for you! Join us to learn more about who we are as a church & the process to becoming a covenantor with the Grace family. Be sure to register!

Sunday Worship

Join us every Sunday morning for worship and fellowship.

Faith Promise Month 2025

During the month of March, we intentionally focus on our calling to take the Good News into all the world. We are asking you to prayerfully consider making a pledge to our Faith Promise fund, used to support missionaries locally and around the world. By making a pledge to Faith Promise, you are making a…

CommUNITY Kids Choir

CommUNITY Kids Choir is for any children between the ages of 4-12 in our church or community who want to sing with other children! The goal is to create a space for them to minister in worship as well as lead others by singing on stage. We will have 5 practices in Room 203 leading…

WCF Chicken Casserole Night

Grace Family! Let’s make some yummy Chicken Divan Casseroles for our Wednesday night guests. These casseroles can be made up to 3 days ahead of time and placed in the refrigerator in room 105 on the preceding Sunday morning on your way to service. You may also bring them Monday or Tuesday during office hours…or Wednesday at…

Women’s Retreat

Join us for our annual 2025 Women’s Retreat at the conveniently located Caraway Conference Center on April 5th and 6th. Our own Jo Heather Dodson will lead us through our time in the Word on our theme of “Serve One Another.” Jo Heather Dodson is a Christian Coach, trainer, speaker, business owner, and homeschool parent. In 2019,…

Good Friday Service

On Good Friday, experience worship, testimonies, a message and the sacrament of communion as we reflect on our own journeys to the cross. The service is family-friendly. Invite your neighbors and friends!

Baptism – Easter Sunday

Baptism is an important step in our faith journey. Why do we practice Baptism here at Grace? Here is what our constitution says concerning Baptism: We believe the Lord Jesus Christ instituted two ordinances to be observed by all believers until His return, Baptism and The Lord’s Supper (Communion). Their observance by all believers is…

Easter Sunday

Praise the Lord! He has Risen! Let’s worship together at 8:30 and 10:00 Easter Sunday morning. There will be baptisms during each service. Please fellowship with us in the Eagle’s Nest after each service with donuts, coffee and fun selfie booths! The 10am service will be livestreamed online.