February in Jacques’ food garden

February in Jacques’ food garden

What's ripe in February on the fruit trees and other edible plants in Jacques' eclectic food garden? A lot of citrus and more. Have a look: Do you grow some of these same plants? Do they also taste good in February? Here is what was ripe last month, January, in...

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Rejuvenation pruning of stone fruit trees

Rejuvenation pruning of stone fruit trees

On peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots, and pluots, I want all of my fruit within reach. So I prune these stone fruit trees down to a height of about seven feet. But I also want my trees to make fruit at chest height, and waist height. I want the fruit within reach...

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Growing carrots in containers

Growing carrots in containers

Yesterday morning I picked carrots to send with my kids in their lunches for the school day. I walked out to the pot on the driveway, pulled up about twenty, gave the green tops to the chickens, washed the roots off, and placed them in the lunch boxes. I grow carrots...

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January in Jacques’ Food Garden

January in Jacques’ Food Garden

"Be Your Own Farmer," reads the sticker on the back of Jacques' truck. And he lives it. And his family reaps the rewards. As do I. I've never visited Jacques' place without him taking me on a tour and sharing samples of whatever is ripe. What's more, even as some of...

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Mistakes staking and tying avocado trees

Mistakes staking and tying avocado trees

Strong Santa Ana winds blew through my yard yesterday, which revealed whether my young avocado trees had proper support. I shot video for you: A few related posts: "How to plant and stake avocado trees" "Training young avocado trees" Thanks for...

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Young avocado trees cannot handle competition

Young avocado trees cannot handle competition

In June of 2023, I planted a GEM avocado tree. It was a good-looking tree, on top and bottom. The leaves showed healthy new growth and the roots were abundant and with new white tips. I planted in the best way I knew, a way in which I’d planted many trees before that...

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Welcome . . .

I'm Greg. My goal is to help you grow food at home, with a focus on vegetables and fruits -- especially avocados -- in Southern California. I write a new "Yard Post" every Friday.

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