Fic Masterpost
Hey everyone! As you may have seen, I have been organizing my stories into smaller posts based on universe. This post is going to include those universes, along with tags of general stories, ships, and collections. Enjoy!
If you want to search all Tron-related stories, search the archiveddata tag on this blog!
If you want stories that focus on romance between Beck and Paige, search Beck/Paige.
If you want stories that focus on romance between Beck and Cutler, search Beck/Cutler.
Similar tags that exist are Tron/Yori, Beck & Mara, Paige & Mara, Beck & Tron, Beck & Yori, etc. I am still working on a lot of these tags.
December 2016 drabble collection Many of these are tagged with relationships that you can click on explore similiar stories. One of the popular ones in this collection is the Ana/Reyna tag, which is a collection of stories about two OCs.
December 2018 collection includes stories from both the Metamorphosis and Teacher AUs. When I get the chance, I will make a masterpost for that collection and attach it here. Until then, you can find stories for both in those AU collections, and then click on the tag from there.
AUs (under read more):