"Resident RenePaige Expert"- Vince

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Fic Masterpost

Hey everyone! As you may have seen, I have been organizing my stories into smaller posts based on universe. This post is going to include those universes, along with tags of general stories, ships, and collections. Enjoy!

If you want to search all Tron-related stories, search the archiveddata tag on this blog!

If you want stories that focus on romance between Beck and Paige, search Beck/Paige.

If you want stories that focus on romance between Beck and Cutler, search Beck/Cutler.

Similar tags that exist are Tron/Yori, Beck & Mara, Paige & Mara, Beck & Tron, Beck & Yori, etc. I am still working on a lot of these tags.

December 2016 drabble collection Many of these are tagged with relationships that you can click on explore similiar stories. One of the popular ones in this collection is the Ana/Reyna tag, which is a collection of stories about two OCs.

December 2018 collection includes stories from both the Metamorphosis and Teacher AUs. When I get the chance, I will make a masterpost for that collection and attach it here. Until then, you can find stories for both in those AU collections, and then click on the tag from there.

Ficobter 2022 collection

Winter Whumperland 2022

AUs (under read more):

Keep reading

Pinned Post masterpost to be pinned this is one of the major projects I wanted to complete today but I have more I want to do today!

I can’t get into it without outing myself and my job, but damn I wish people could figure out how to break the rules on their own. If you involve me, if you tell me you’re going to violate a contract, I am required to do something. I’m not a cop! I’m not a narc! You could simply not tell me this shit! I am begging you to not tell me! Don’t send me an email to my work address that says “I’m going to violate our contract, how would you suggest I do it?” Well first things first don’t fucking tell me


Like one time I was working at the bar years before weed was legal. The owner hated pot and pot smokers. And this regular was standing in front of the front door smoking his little glass pipe

“Hey man, go around the corner”

“Naw it’s cool”

“It’s really not. (The owner) will ban you if he sees you doing this in front of his bar like an idiot”

“He won’t see me”

“Yeah but I see you. And I’m asking you to go around the corner so you’re not right in front of the fucking bar”

“It’s just weed. Are you scared of weed?”

“Listen you stupid hippie I use drugs that would blow your burnout mind. I don’t give a shit about weed. But do not fucking involve me, do not involve the bar. Just take seven steps to the corner and smoke your heart out”

“Naw man it’s cool”

Then the owner came outside and blew his fucking stack and the guy was barred for life. And then the owner got mad at me for not running to him and telling him hippie Dave was burning it down in front of the bar. I’m just begging you to not involve me in your poorly thought-out crimes in a way that will get us both in serious trouble. I am begging you


Bringing this back in a general way to remind people who might be considering breaking rules that maybe not telling strangers you are about to break some rules might be wise. Because you do not know where that information is going to end up


physically disabled people have to constantly consider whether or not something they want to do is accessible. even if that's leaving the bed or going downstairs or leaving the house, or going to an event. we can't do things on a whim unless we have the privilege of being able to manage that short work, or single step, or train transfer. and i think people underestimate the psychological impact of constantly being excluded from society. from being built out of social activity. sure there's places and events and activities that have a place for us, but that just means that everywhere that doesn't have accessibility options is a place that is not and was not meant to us. whether they mean to say that or otherwise



watching gen z and millennials make fun of gen alpha has been torturous. "But they're actually stupid" 1. theyre middle schoolers 2. isn't that what older gens said about us? don't you remember being 11?

it truly is just "impulse reaction to cringe <- has not yet unlearned shame"

the cycle continues let me out of here

guys. guys I think we should kill cringe culture


My kids and their friends are Gen Alpha, and they are sweet, sweet kids living though appalling times.

They grew up with the most rigidly binary models of childhood that have existed in my lifetime (girl-glue, anyone?) and been viewed as their earning potential since before they could walk. They have been exploited and abandoned on the internet by their parents, have been exploited on the internet by the algorithm when they were too young to understand it. They are the first large generation of the children of Mommy bloggers, anti-vaxxers, trad wives, and quiverful types.

They’ve survived a pandemic, and had it cut through their schooling in a way that has been enormously traumatic. They have the smallest outdoor range of any generation to date. In their lifetime, climate change has become violently real, socioeconomic disparity has only increased, reactionary movements have increased, and rights that we’ve taken for granted have been rolled back. They are the generation of British trans kids taking their lives on the now-static youth GIC waiting lists. The American trans kids who are watching their very existence become illegal. They are the generation of creative kids whose arts and humanities funding has been cut to the bone. A generation who have grown up watching soft-lit, queer friendly cartoons, walking out in to a world of violent trans and homophobia.

They are depressed, anxious, afraid. Their aspirations are low, their hopes for the future fragile.

They are clever, and creative, and charming, and brave. And they are KIDS.

Be nice to them, they’re dealing with a lot.


They are clever, and

creative, and charming, and

brave. And they are KIDS.

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


btw i’m not pushing like “boycotting the lilo and stitch is the greatest act of activism you can do in today’s climate”

i’m just like “not watching this movie is literally the bare minimum you can do to help not push an imperialistic tourist agenda that’s destroying native Hawai‘i. just don’t.” and im already pre-irritated bc i know like thirty people are gonna be like i knowww but. i just wanna.


As a wheelchair user I'm trying to reframe my language for "being in the way."

"I'm in the way," "I can't fit," and "I can't go there," is becoming "there's not enough space," "the walkway is too narrow," and "that place isn't accessible."

It's a small change, but to me it feels as if I'm redirecting blame from myself to the people that made these places inaccessible in the first place. I don't want people to just think that they're helping me, I want them to think that they're making up for someone else's wrongdoing. I want them to remember every time I've needed help as something someone else caused.


To the people saying this also applies to fat people - you are not derailing! This is true!!!