Please use the links below to add information to the Gwulo website. (If you are new to Gwulo, please create an account and login first.)
Upload a Photo
Also see the FAQ 'How to: upload your photos to Gwulo (basic)'.
Create a Person page
Used to share information and ask questions about a person who is / was connected with Hong Kong. e.g. Cecil Henry DALTON (aka Jim) [1903-1966]
Create a Place page
Gathers information about a place in Hong Kong. Commonly used to document the history of a building. e.g. HSBC Headquarters Building (3rd generation) [1935-1984]
Create a Forum topic
The discussion forum is a good place to post information or questions about Hong Kong's history that don't fit in an of the other categories listed here. e.g. 1939/1940 Internment of German Residents
Create a Book page
Used to describe a printed book about Hong Kong's history, or to add a memoir / diary to Gwulo. e.g. Barbara Anslow's diary
Add a Page to a book
Use this to add a page to a book created above. Typically used for longer memoirs / diaries. e.g. 8 Dec 1941, Barbara Anslow's diary
Create a Street page
Documents a path / track / street in Hong Kong. e.g. Nathan Road
Create an Organisation page
Describes an organisation that is / was active in Hong Kong. e.g. Hongkong Ice Company, Ltd. [????-1918]
Create a Timeline
A timeline records a type of event that happened multiple times. e.g. Typhoons in Hong Kong
Add an Event to a timeline
Use this to add an event to a timeline created above. e.g. 1906 Typhoon
1937 Hong Kong typhoon
I have an 11 page story re the 1937 Hong Kong typhoon written by my (late) father who was Third Engineer on a ship in the typhoon and which survived. Part of his unpublished autobiography. Would you be interested in adding this to your website? - John Elmgreen, Sydney, Australia
re: 1937 Hong Kong typhoon
Hello John, and yes please, the account of the 1937 typhoon will be good to read. Please could you make a new Forum Topic (, and paste the text there?
Regards, David