for mental health
The HALT team have put together a 4-page mental health toolkit.
for mental health
The HALT team have put together a 4-page mental health toolkit.
Watch Jeremy’s interview on ABC News Breakfast about tradies’ mental health issues and what HALT is all about.
Watch Jeremy’s Ted Talk on how to start a conversation about suicide.
If you’re thinking about harming yourself or ending your life, contact Lifeline. If it’s hard to talk, they also have a text service from 6pm till midnight (AEST), 7 days a week.
Call 13 11 14 – Available 24/7 Visit Lifeline online
Call 1300 78 99 78 – Available 24/7 Visit MensLine online
Beyond Blue have a new Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service with trained counsellors who can talk you through whatever you’re feeling during these challenging times.
Call 1800 512 348 – Available 24/7 Visit Beyond Blue online