No DNI but here’s a reminder of stuff I won’t debate:
- Obviously racism, sexism, ableism, cissexism, homophobia, transphobia, colonialism, antisemitism, islamophobia, and antitheism is bad
- Transphobia includes telling people they aren’t trans enough or they aren’t being trans in ‘the right way’, not respecting pronouns, etc.
- Slur discourse is pushed by TERFs with intent to limit the acronym to LGBT, which would make it a lot easier for them to convince people to “drop the T”. TERFs really want us to define ourselves by same-sex attraction, rather than our opposition to cisheteronormativity. People are queer, get over it.
- Aces/aros belong in the LGBTQ+ community. “Mspec lesbian” is a valid identity and to say otherwise is nbphobic. Pan/omni/poly/multisexual labels aren’t biphobic.
- Sex workers need support. Stuff like FOSTA-SESTA hurts sex workers. TERFS and SWERFS are actively harming both trans and cis women
- Sex positivity must include kink positivity. Your kinks don’t make you a bad person. Hurting others makes you a bad person.
- Defending freedom of speech and artistic freedom also means defending speech and art you don’t like. The law is a blunt weapon and if we allow it to ban art and speech we deem bad, that will harm us too in the long run
- Being banned from twitter because you were racist isn’t infringing on your rights.
- Death penalty is never appropriate, regardless of the crime. You absolutely cannot trust the state to dish out corporal punishment.
- Prison abolition is necessary
- Abortion should always be an option, regardless of the reason.
- Health care is good, gun control is good, taxing the rich is good. Dunno why this is a debate.
- Being other/fiction/whatever-kin isn’t something you do, it’s something you are. If you knowingly misuse ‘kin terminology, I probably won’t like you.
- Endogenic systems are real
- Regulated hunting is good. That includes subsistence hunting, of course, but also most forms of trophy and big game hunting. Regulated hunting leads to healthy populations.
- Killing plants and animals is neither an inherently good or bad action, and as long as you can justify why you did it, that’s fine. ‘Food’ is a justifiable reason. Doesn’t matter if the animals are harvested for meat or are crop harvest casualties, they die regardless, and that’s okay.
- Exotic pet ownership should ideally be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. One person might be able to give a crocodile the perfect life. Another might not even be able to care for a stick bug. These are real life examples I’ve personally seen.
- Land back. Free Palestine.
Please don’t send confrontational, provocative, or mean anon messages, I won’t respond. If you wanna stir up drama, at least have the courtesy to do it off anon.