Welcome to the Heartand!
Hilton's Heartland Logo
Welcome to the heartland!
Wellness Programs

Personalized wellness care just for you! We want to help you FEEL better, LOOK better, and BE better.

BioSET System
The BioSET System, Enzyme therapy, Nutrition therapy, Emotional release, reSet Therapy, allergy desensitization,
Foundational Healing
BioSET System

Balancing one area without balancing the others is not enough to establish whole body well-being.

Personalized Consultations
Consults, Consultations, Personalized Care

Providing absolute personalized wellness care.
In-Person, Virtual & by phone.

Allergy Desensitization
The BioSET System, Enzyme therapy, Nutrition therapy, Emotional release, reSet Therapy, allergy desensitization,
BioSET Allergy Desensitization
Good Bye Allergies

A non-invasive, safe, natural desensitization therapy that often permanently eliminates food & environmental allergies and sensitivities.

Genetic Testing Telomeres
Do You Know your real age?
Your Telomere age ...
the age of your cells

Telomeres (teh·luh·meer) are protective structures located in the nucleus, at the ends of chromosomes, and composed of DNA and proteins. They play a crucial role in maintaining the genome’s integrity and regulating the cells’ lifespan.

LET Lymphatic Enhancement Technique
LET Lymphatic Therapy Enhancement
Electronic Energy Technology
At a Cellular Level

Accelerates lymphatic drainage for tissue detoxification.

Personalized Consultations
IQS Interrogatory Biofeedback, Quantum Physics, Energy Medicine
Energy Medicine
Interactive Query

Providing absolute personalized wellness care.
In-Person, Virtual & by phone.

Welcome to the Heartand!
BioSET System
Personalized Consultations
Allergy Desensitization
LET Lymphatic Enhancement Technique
Personalized Consultations
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Who We Are

Your Wellness – PERSONALIZED

Our approach in addressing your health concerns & challenges is holistic, integrative and functional.  We work with the design of the body to address underlying ROOT causes of your challenges rather than chasing the symptoms.  First and foremost, we must determine your Foundational Stability.  Once we are able to know exactly what we are working with or without we can replenish, remove, and revitalize! We create a Personalized Care Plan.

Determine Foundational Stability

  • GI – Improve your gut health & function

  • NUTRITION – Establish your nutritional status

  • TOXIC STRESS – Determine your toxicity load & detoxification capacity

  • GENETICS – Factor in Epigenetics

  • HORMONES – Balance Hormones


  • NEUROTRANSMITTERS – Optimize brain & neurotransmitter health & performance

  • STRUCTURE – Dental, Vertebrae, musculoskeletal

  • EMOTIONS – Emotional Stress Survey

Create a Personalized Care Plan

  • Neuroendocrine, digestive, filtration & drainage support, and cellular repair

  • Digestive

  • Collaborative Care

  • All-in-One resource center for health & wellness

  • Multiple disciplines of holistic, functional, energetic, and integrative approach

  • Unconventional modalities & concepts

  • Emotional Stress Release Program

Why Work with Us

We start with a consultation to create a personalized Care Plan Summary.
We offer Integrative Wellness & Holistic Resources to support your care plan for optimal results.

Consultations & Services

Providing absolute personalized wellness care.
In-Person, Virtual & by phone.

Wellness Resources

To complement & many times expedite
your wellness goals.

Holistic Care

Holistic approaches to support
your personalized wellness.


BioSET Comprehensive System

The BioSET System’s collection of foundational healing: Detoxification, Enzyme, Nutrition, and ReSET Therapy are carefully balanced to restore true foundational health.


The BioSET System  aides in desensitizing food and environmental allergies & sensitivities.  ReSETs the body from under or overreacting to allergens.


L.E.T. Lymphatic Enhancement therapy designed to detoxify the soft tissue, improve immune system function, and reduce swelling & congestion in the tissues.



11127 McCracken Cir, Building A

Cypress, TX 77429-4462



From the Heartland to your home or office

via video conferencing or telephone.



10562 S Glenstone Place

Baton Rouge, LA  70810-2875

225-767-7433  | Melisa Kuehn sees clients once a month in LA


Melisa can sense energy imbalances and adjust my body’s alignment through her cranial-sacral massage techniques that give me some relief of neck, back and leg pain, unlike anyone whom I have seen since all my problems began. To have a few hours or a day without pain is such a blessing! Thank you so much, Dr. Kuehn! To others with the same or similar problems, I whole-heartedly recommend Dr. Kuehn, who has a God-given gift!

Rhonda – regular customer

Let me just say that I am so thankful for you. The level of love and care that I receive from you is beyond anything I could have imagined. Seriously thank you. On my way home from our appointment I seriously felt high. It was like an euphoric happy high. It was nuts. And everytime…

Sam – regular customer

Thank you so much for our session yesterday morning to clear my headache!  I so very much appreciated that!

A loyal client

Melisa, Wow! Grains were the right thing to do, my sinus’ drained and they haven’t been back since I left your office on Tuesday. (I am just blown away by this) Sugars, I ate a gluten free, milk free, low sugar, chocolate cookie and got dizzy. Hah! You said that might happen. I think you may be…

Bill – happy client

Our Partners