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Horn Entrepreneurship

sophia yarram

Recent Posts

Shaun Gupta: Bringing communities together through work

For a class assignment in one of Shaun’s entrepreneurship classes, he was told to walk around campus for a day and write down any issues he came across. He noticed that  many college students are unable to attain part time jobs during the school year for a variety of different reasons, but still needed extra cash. This problem sparked the basis for Shaun’s startup, Backyard gig.

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Signature Interns Spark Creativity this Summer

The Signature Internship Program by Horn Entrepreneurship connects entrepreneurship majors with organizations for the purpose of helping these students gain hands-on experience. 

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The Ultimate sneak peek into Ultimate Tournament

“I bet you twenty bucks I can beat you in this game.” Playing video games and involving money in the equation is a situation which tends to occur regularly among gamers. Alex Pickett and Dan Goodman had a goal to create a platform where gamers can play for money. 

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Summer Founders 2022- Teams announced

The summer founder teams at orientation on June 6, 2022, await a full 12 weeks ahead of them.


This summer six teams have been selected to participate in Horn Entrepreneurship's Summer Founders, a 12-week pre-accelerator program for student ventures.

The Summer Founders opportunity provides its participants with a combination of training sessions and resources, coaching, mentorship, and events to facilitate their venture's journey from idea to launch. At the end of their training in August, the teams will be prepared to present for demo day, where each team will pitch their ideas to members of the local business community.

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