I run Humanstein.com where I write about horror, comics, junk food, pop culture, and more. This is my main tumblr. My aesthetic sideblog is Dark-Americana. My Halloween sideblog is SabrinaFuckingSpellman.
of the 5 teslas in the parade, one turned off so early we didnt even see it, one had to turn off after someone cracked its windshield, and one had to turn off after it got a window shattered. further down from us people were fully throwing garbage and beer bottles with the intention of breaking glass. only 2 of them made it to the end of the parade, having been jeered end to end.
if this was supposed to be a temperature test- because people are speculating this was a test ride for the military and tesla having a partnership, no one knows why on earth these things were in mardi gras to begin with- then they certainly got an idea of how people feel.