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instantia de: type of chemical entity[*], sweetener[*]
subclasse de: hex-2-ulofuranosyl hexopyranoside[*]
parte de: sucrose metabolic process[*], sucrose biosynthetic process[*], sucrose catabolic process[*], response to sucrose[*], sucrose catabolic process via 3'-ketosucrose[*], glycolytic process from sucrose[*], sucrose catabolic process to fructose-6-phosphate through glucose and fructose[*], cellular response to sucrose stimulus[*], sucrose:proton symporter activity[*], sucrose transmembrane transporter activity[*], sucrose:cation symporter activity[*], sucrose transmembrane transport[*], sucrose transport[*], sucrose catabolic process to fructose-6-phosphate and glucose-6-phosphate[*], sucrose phosphorylase activity[*], glucoside 3-dehydrogenase activity[*], raffinose-raffinose alpha-galactotransferase activity[*], sucrose 6F-alpha-galactotransferase activity[*], galactinol-sucrose galactosyltransferase activity[*], isomaltulose synthase activity[*], sucrose 1F-fructosyltransferase activity[*], sucrose-phosphate phosphatase activity[*], inulosucrase activity[*], amylosucrase activity[*], levansucrase activity[*], sucrose alpha-glucosidase activity[*], protein-N(PI)-phosphohistidine-sucrose phosphotransferase system transporter activity[*]

Commons: Sucrose

Saccharosa, o sucrosa, es le principal componente del sucro de tabula. Es un disaccharido componite de un glucosa e un fructosa, de formula molecular C12H22O11.

Le saccharosa se deriva principalmente de canna e beta de sucro. Es le ingrediente principal del confectos.

Sucro, in forma processate e cubate, un forma iconic de sucro in le mundo occidental.