Messerchmitt Me 163 was the only operational rocket fighter (there were some other prototypes) and the first aircraft, that exceeded 1000km/h in level flight. The beginning of the programme goes back to the famous aeronautical engineer [...]
The Su-22 was the backbone of the Syrian Air Force for many years to carry out bombing missions.
Kitty Hawk's Fitter is a mixed bag containing plenty of details together with bad fit and part design. Fuselage is divided to 3 sections [...]
My past work.
1/35 scale kit by Dragon
This is one of the Black Label series kits, but the details are rather asymmetrical for a relatively new kit from Dragon.
The foot area is a little difficult to assemble, but other than that, the [...]
First model of a Dual Combo edition. Colors from Humbrol, Model Master and Testors, resin seat and wheels from Ultracast, resin gun cannons from Quickboost, PE from the kit, extra detailing and corrections on the surface, cockpit and [...]
Again this is the Eduard Fw 190F-8 kit in 1/48. These Wurgers are really the Tamiya kits of Eduard, they just go together. Vallejo was used for the 74/75/76 while Model Master Olive Drab and Neutral Gray were used for the over painted [...]
Having consulting references for my previous post ((link)) I noticed that the old Hasegawa kit instructions were outdated. Eduard's color diagram of the same aircraft showed more details. The aircraft "had European camouflage scheme [...]
This would be a surveillance drone around MQ-1 size, i wanted to not go with boring gray and i found old pakistan decals and did digital version of their (old?) camouflage.
This is a fantastic little kit of a historic and very underrated aircraft.
Arma Hobby has really knocked it out of the park with this 1:48 scale beauty. It is not an 'easy' kit. I found it to be a challenge and at the same time a lot [...]