- Abbau-Trace (Torre, Salvador)
- Ach daß die Hülfe aus Zion über Israel käme (Meister, Johann Friedrich)
- Adagietto for Woodwind Trio (Myrszakis, Augustin)
- Adagio and Rondo in C minor, K.617 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Adagio del celebre Settimino di Beethoven (Gariboldi, Giuseppe)
- Adagio et Polonaise (Zinkeisen, Konrad Ludwig Dietrich)
- Adagio Veneziano (Bedetti, Tiziano)
- Adagio, TH 160 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr)
- Adagio (Converse, Frederick Shepherd)
- Adagio (Sokolov, Alexander)
- Adagio (Vogt, Gustave)
- Addio monti (Donella, Valentino)
- Adèle Habeneck's Autograph Album (Various)
- L'Adige (Bousquet, Narcisse)
- After Sunset (De Bleser, Werner J.E.)
- Les Âges, Op.10 (Corrette, Michel)
- Ahlilii (Gerber, Edward Enrico)
- Air arabe for Oboe, Horn, and Piano, Op.77 (Molbe, Heinrich)
- Air du guet (Maréchal, Henri)
- Air pastoral, Op.7 (Triébert, Frédéric)
- Air suisse, Op.9 (Garimond, Hippolyte Xavier)
- Air varié (Garimond, Hippolyte Xavier)
- 12 Airs à deux parties (Vanderhagen, Amand)
- Air (Reicha, Anton)
- Ajde (Kelly, Ian Donald Killeen)
- Akhtamar (Manookian, Jeff)
- Al festivo aplauso heroyco (Literes, Antonio)
- Al solemne de augusto (Literes, Antonio)
- Alienta fervorosa (Nebra, José de)
- Alle Werke aus 2020, Op.43 (Menkveld, Jan Willem)
- Allegro and Arioso for 5 Wind Instruments (Dahl, Ingolf)
- Allegro brillante, WoO II/14 (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)
- Allegro for Oboe Solo (Alvarez Alvarez, Teófilo)
- Allegro in B-flat major, K.Anh.96/384c (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Alleluja 'Dominus regnavit decorem' (Pagueras, Cayetano)
- Alleluja Pasquale, Op.66 (Spada, Luca)
- Alleluja, Op.54 (Spada, Luca)
- Alleluja, Op.62 (Spada, Luca)
- Allerseelen (Koessler, Hans)
- Allgemeine Musikschule für Militär Musik, Op.22 (Nemetz, Andreas)
- Alma redemptoris Mater, ZWV 127 (Zelenka, Jan Dismas)
- Alma redemptoris Mater (Siessmayr, Herkulan)
- Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet, TWV 1:81 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)
- Altfranzösische Tänze, Op.11 (Scherrer, Heinrich)
- 6 American Irish Songs (Nichifor, Serban)
- American Songs (Violette, Andrew)
- Amoroso (Schoonenbeek, Kees)
- Amourette faunienne, Op.73 (Molbe, Heinrich)
- Amusemens de Bellone, Op.6 (Chédeville, Nicolas)
- Amusements champêtres, Livre 2 (Chédeville, Nicolas)
- Amusements champêtres, Livre 3 (Chédeville, Nicolas)
- Amusement (Helfer, L.)
- An Album of Aquarelles (Harris, Ian Keith)
- An Echo from the Shore (Bachlund, Gary)
- An Evening in Georgia, Op.71 (Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail)
- Anapestic, Spondaic, Tribrachic in Lochrian (Ware, H. Joseph)
- Ancient Dances, Op.35 (Van Hoorick, Geert)
- Andante d'un trio d'anches inachevé, L.75 (Roussel, Albert)
- Andante for Oboe and Orchestra, Op.21 (Plante, Cyril)
- Andante for Oboe, Cello and Piano (Bendix, Victor)
- Andante Idillico (Drigo, Riccardo)
- Andante in C major (Cain, DeLano)
- Andante in E-flat major, K.384B (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus)
- Andante with a Crescendo (Baclay, George)
- Andantino in A major (Ezecchielini, Auguste)
- Andantino, Op.30 No.1 (Schmitt, Florent)
- Angeli decaduti, Marginalia No.203 (Caldini, Fulvio)
- Angel (Sanchis, Salvador)
- L'année musicale (Various)
- Antifona e Cantico (Donella, Valentino)
- Aphorismes (Gouin, Pierre)
- Aphorisms (Schoonenbeek, Kees)
- Le Api (Pasculli, Antonino)
- Apollo's Cabinet, or the Muse's Delight (Various)
- Aqua fría y caliente (Żołnowski, Maciej)
- Arabesken, Op.73 (Juon, Paul)
- Arabesque (Chrétien, Hedwige)
- Aranjuez, Op.34 (Verroust, Stanislas)
- Arcade Trio (Argentesi, Dario)
- Aria da capo per oboe e quattro dita (Zanette, Damián H.)
- Aria in F major, HWV 410 (Handel, George Frideric)
- Aria in F major, HWV 411 (Handel, George Frideric)
- 3 Arie di Eliogabalo, Op.177 (Caldini, Fulvio)
- Aristeas, in Seven Years (Bird, Melvin Clive)
- Armenian Scenes (Manookian, Jeff)
- L'art de préluder, Op.7 (Hotteterre, Jacques)
- Articulations for Oboe, Op.153 (Beatty, Stephen W.)
- As Time Goes By (Moreno Sabio, José Miguel)
- Atalaya divina (Literes, Antonio)
- Au temps des menestrels (Lefébure, Alain)
- Aubade en quintette (Pessard, Émile)
- Aubade, Op.53 (Rhené-Baton, Emmanuel)
- Aubade (Barthe, Adrien)
- Aubade (Wailly, Paul de)
- Die auf den Herrn hoffen, TWV 7:9 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)
- Aurad (Hoffmann, Norbert Rudolf)
| A cont.
- L'Aurore sur la forêt (Balay, Guillaume)
- Aus der Zeit, Op.114e (Hirschfeld, C. René)
- Aus Litauen, Op.23 (Laurischkus, Max)
- Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (Eipper, Paul-Bernhard)
- 21 Ausgewählte Kirchenkompositionen (Krieger, Johann Philipp)
- Australian Horn for Winds and Strings (Brennan, Robert)
- Autumnal Interlude (Harris, Ian Keith)
- Avant et Retour, Op.32 (Wetzger, Paul)
- Ave Maria del Carissimi (Stival, Max)
- 3 Ayres (Foley, Daniel Charles)
- A (Corini, Lucia)
- 6 Babioles, Op.10 (Naudot, Jacques-Christophe)
- Babkhuzian Dumka (Argentesi, Dario)
- Babkhuzian Festival Overture (Argentesi, Dario)
- Bach ist tot (Bouma, Hugo)
- Bagatella in Trio, Op.60a (Caldini, Fulvio)
- Bagatelle for Horn and Strings, Op.1113 (Beatty, Stephen W.)
- Bagatelle for Mezzo-Soprano, Oboe and Cello, Op.450 (Beatty, Stephen W.)
- Bagatelle for Oboe and Piano (Braxton, Walter Augustus)
- Bagatelle for Oboe, Bassoon and Violin, Op.512 (Beatty, Stephen W.)
- Bagatelle for Oboe, Horn and Cello, Op.516 (Beatty, Stephen W.)
- Bagatelle for Oboe, Horn and Cello, Op.517 (Beatty, Stephen W.)
- Bagatelle for Oboe, Horn and Cello, Op.518 (Beatty, Stephen W.)
- Bagatelle for Woodwinds and Strings, Op.1111 (Beatty, Stephen W.)
- Bagatelle No.1 for Oboe and Piano, Op.19 (Picard, Pascal)
- Bagatelle No.3 for Trio, Op.21 (Picard, Pascal)
- Bagatelle No.5 for Trio, Op.32 (Picard, Pascal)
- 4 Bagatellen (Effenberg, Rainer)
- 5 Bagatellen (Hoek, Arie van)
- 7 Bagatelles (Vlahek, Bruno)
- Bailables, Op.127 (Salzedo, Leonard)
- Le bal de Béatrice d’Este (Hahn, Reynaldo)
- 4 Balets de village en trio, Op.52 (Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de)
- Ballada for Oboe and Piano (Wormser, André)
- Ballade carnavalesque (Loeffler, Charles Martin)
- Baltassar (Brossard, Sébastien de)
- Barcarole, Op.41 (Pittrich, Georg)
- Baroque Concerto, Op.9 (Iversen, Niels Johannes Legarth)
- La Barsan (St. Pierre, Anthony)
- Batiburrillo (Bueno, Julio A.)
- 3 Batuques (Antonio, Lincoln)
- Beagles and Little Folks Suite (Argentesi, Dario)
- Beati omnes in G minor, S.25 (Heinichen, Johann David)
- Beatus vir (Donizetti, Gaetano)
- Beaver Day Overture (Argentesi, Dario)
- Begnadigte Seelen gesegneter Christen, TWV 1:119 (Telemann, Georg Philipp)
- Begräbnisgesang, Op.13 (Brahms, Johannes)
- Beim Abschied zu Singen, Op.84 (Schumann, Robert)
- Bektashi Breath (Esmen, Nurtan Alan)
- Bellamarinon (Hoemsnes, Bjørn Norvall)
- Bello Pastor (Nebra, José de)
- Berceuse pastorale (Rouher, Edouard Marcel Victor)
- Berceuse (Boden, Andrew David)
- Berceuse (Wight, Arthur Norton)
- Bergers et mages, Op.75 (Samuel-Rousseau, Marcel)
- Betrübter Lohn der Missetaten, TWV 1:125a (Telemann, Georg Philipp)
- Between Always and Never (Gerber, Edward Enrico)
- 2 Bewegingen voor Flute, Vibraphone en Bas (Saldiën, Jacques)
- Beyond (Bird, Peter)
- Bien des Compliments à Anne (De Bleser, Werner J.E.)
- Big Decisions (Davidson, Robert)
- Bilirubina (Grego, Alessandro)
- The Black Vulture (Rogers, Chris)
- Bladerval (Saldiën, Jacques)
- 10 Blake Songs (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)
- Blæserkvintet (Thomsen, Herluf Vad)
- Borée (Pélicant, Thierry)
- The Bottle of Tears (Saral, Ali Riza)
- Braes of Ballanden, W.LH 1 (Bach, Johann Christian)
- Brandenburg Concerto No.2 in F major, BWV 1047 (Bach, Johann Sebastian)
- Brief Bagatelle, Op.11 (Heron, Edward)
- 3 Brief Pieces (Walker, James)
- Bring Me the Head of Mr. Garcia (Wallace, Dorian)
- Broken (I) (Pfeiffer, Gregory Carl)
- La Brosse (Albanese, Luca)
- Bucolique variée (Pierné, Paul)
- Bucolique, Op.31 (Mouquet, Jules)
- Bunte Mischung, Op.42 (Menkveld, Jan Willem)
- Burbujas de Agua (De Bleser, Werner J.E.)
- C.1911 for Woodwind Quartet (Zhurbin, Lev)
- Caledonian Country Dances with a Thorough Bass (Various)
- 4 Campion Songs (Patterson, Graham)
- Canción Triste No.3, Op.102 (Massun, Ignacio)
- Canon à l'octave (Dauprat, Louis-François)
- Canon for Wind Quintet in B-flat major, Op.16 (Ng, Sissel)
- Canon for Woodwind Quartet in E minor (Zerlini, Giovanni Matteo)
- Canon for Woodwind Trio in G minor (Zerlini, Giovanni Matteo)
- Canon in B-flat major, GWV 218 (Graupner, Christoph)
- Canon School (Gomez Gomez, Alberto)
- 3 Canons for Woodwinds, Op.9 (Riegger, Wallingford Constantine)
- Canta in prato, RV 636 (Vivaldi, Antonio)
- 3 Cantatas and 3 Songs, Op.9 (Stanley, John)
- 25 Cantatas, A-Wn SA.67.A.25 (Various)
- 46 Cantatas, D-B Mus.ms.30188 (Various)
- 14 Cantatas, D-DS Mus.ms.1046 (Various)
- 30 Cantatas, Duos, etc. (Bononcini, Giovanni)
- Cantates françoises à voix seule, avec symphonies. Livre premier (Stuck, Jean-Baptiste)
- Cantate (Chavaneau, Emmanuel)
- Cantiga Mozárabe, Op.79 (Salzedo, Leonard)
- Cantilena (Matthison-Hansen, Frederik Hans)