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How To Use A Fountain Pen Converter

How To Use A Fountain Pen Converter

When you have a beautiful fountain pen and you want to make the most out of it, the best thing you can do is to use a fountain pen converter. While it depends on the fountain pen that you are using since some only use ink cartridges, this is one of the easiest ways just start writing with your favorite fountain pen. 

One of the reasons why so many people love fountain pens is that they can experience hundreds of ink colors that are only available in ink bottles.

In case you never used a fountain pen converter before, you need to know that there are different types of converters. This way, you need to make sure that you find the one that fits your fountain pen. In case you have no idea about the fountain pen converter that you need, you can simply check our fountain pen converters page and search for your pen’s brand. 

To ensure that you learn how to use a fountain pen converter, we will show you the different types of fountain pen converters.

#1: Piston Converters:

Fountain Pen Converter

Piston converters are the most common type of converters for fountain pens. They aren’t only reliable and simple to use as they all work the same way. 

While this fountain pen converter is available in different sizes and shapes, its mechanism is quite simple. Overall speaking, you’ll simply need to twist the knob of the converter so it can draw ink up into the pen. 

Using A Piston Converter 

Step 1: To start using a piston converter, you will first need to insert it into your fountain pen’s grip section. 

Step 2: Open the ink bottle that you want to use and dip the nib into the ink. In this step, you want to make sure that the nib is completely submerged. This means that the grip section should also be touching the ink. 

Step 3: Now, you will need to twist the fountain pen converter knob counterclockwise. This will help expel air from the pen lowering the piston. During this step, you should see some air bubbles coming out of the pen. This is perfectly normal. 

Step 4: At this point, you need to twist the knob clockwise. The piston should raise while it draws ink into the fountain pen. 

Step 5: To make sure that your fountain pen converter is completely filled with ink, you may need to repeat steps 3 and 4. In case your pen is still expelling air bubbles, you should also repeat the steps. 

Step 6: Before you reassemble your pen, it’s better to use a tissue or a paper towel to absorb any excess ink from the nib. It may also be handy to clean the grip section as well. 

Step 7: You can finally reassemble your fountain pen and start writing with it. 

#2: Squeeze Converters:

Squeeze Converters

Although squeeze converters are older than piston converters, they are far less common. 

A squeeze converter is simply an exposed sac that may sometimes be enclosed in a protective case. One example of a squeeze converter is this Kaweco squeeze converter.

Overall speaking, when you squeeze the air out of this converter, it’s real dropping up into the pen.

Using A Squeeze Converter

Step 1: Just like when you are using a piston converter, the first thing you need to do with a squeeze converter is to insert it into the grip section of your pen. 

Step 2: Again, you will need to completely dip the nib into the ink bottle. Make sure that the grip section it’s also touching the ink. 

Step 3: Now, you will need to expel the air from the pen. To do this, you just need to squeeze the sac. As you complete the step, you should see some air bubbles escaping from the fountain pen. 

Step 4: At this point, you will need to start releasing the converter slowly. This will allow it to draw in the ink. 

Step 5: You always want to make sure that there are no more air bubbles coming out of the pen. This means that you may need to repeat steps 3 and 4. Please be aware that squeeze converters tend to take less ink than piston ones. 

Step 6: When your fountain pen takes a squeeze converter, you will also need a paper towel or tissue to clean up extra ink on both the nib and grip. 

Step 7: Finally, reassemble your fountain pen and start writing with it. 

#3: Push-Button Converters:

Push-Button Converters

The third type of fountain pen converters are the push-button ones and they are the least common. A perfect example of a push-button converter is the Pilot CON-70.

Overall speaking, using this type of converter is not difficult. However, it may take you a bit more time to learn how to use this fountain pen converter. 

How To Use A Push-Button Converter

Step 1: Like with the previous types of converters, you will need to insert the converter into the grip section of your pen. 

Step 2: Now, you will need to completely dip the nib into the ink and also make sure that the grip section of your pen touches the ink. 

Step 3: At this point, you will need to push and release the button of the converter to expel the air and draw ink. One of the things that make this converter a bit harder to use is the speed that you apply when you are pushing and releasing the button. In fact, you need to be rather quick or else the converter won’t be able to draw much ink. You should continue with this step until your converter is filled with ink. 

Step 4: It’s now time to grab a tissue or paper towel to clean up your nib and the grip section of your fountain pen. 

Step 5: Reassemble your pen and start writing with it.

How To Use A Fountain Pen Converter – Extra Tips

Extra Tips

Since fountain pens that use fountain pen converters use one of the previous types of converters, you shouldn’t have any problems filling them with ink. Nevertheless, some fountain pens may be trickier than others. So, here are some extra tips to ensure that you can use your fountain pen converter. 

#1: The Type Of Converter: 

One of the main reasons why you may not be able to fit the converter into your fountain pen is because it’s not the right one. So, the first thing you need to do is to confirm that your fountain pen uses converters. Then, make sure that you are using the right one. You can always check our fountain pen converter page and look for the brand of your fountain pen. Here, you’ll be able to find the different pen converters that you can use. 

#2: You May Need A Bit Of Force: 

In case you’re trying to insert a fountain pen converter on your pen and you know it’s the right one but you can’t go through with it, you may need a bit of force. The truth is that fountain pen converters are designed to fit tightly. So, don’t be afraid of using a bit of force. 

#3: The Converter Doesn’t Draw Ink:

This problem may happen for two reasons. The converter may not be properly installed or the nib may not be completely submerged in the ink. 

Bottom Line

As you can see, using a fountain pen converter is not difficult at all. You just need to know the type of converter that fits your fountain pen. Then follow the steps to fill it with ink. 

While there are different types of converters, the steps you need to follow are pretty much the same. This ends up making it easier to use a fountain pen converter. 

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Why My Fountain Pen Isn’t Writing

Why My Fountain Pen Isnt Writing

Fountain pens are becoming more and more popular every day. After all, they offer a wide range of nib sizes and different body styles. Not to mention their smooth ink flow. 

While ballpoint pens, rollerball pens, and gel pens may be simpler to use, it’s magical when you write with a fountain pen. However, more often than not, these pens don’t write. No matter if it catches you in the middle of a document or if you’re about to start one, you just don’t know what’s happening. But there’s no reason to panic. Keep reading and discover everything you need to do when your pen isn’t writing.

Quick Checklist 

If your fountain pen isn’t writing and you don’t have a lot of time to figure out what’s wrong, you may want to check the following checklist:

1 – Take a look at the converter, ink cartridge, or internal filling system to see if it still has ink. 

2 – Take a closer look at the nib and feed of your fountain pen to ensure they are perfectly aligned. 

3 – If you’re using a new fountain pen or one that you haven’t used for a while, you may need to clean it.

My New Fountain Pen Isn’t Writing

disassemble your fountain pen

If you just got home with a brand new fountain pen, you must be incredibly excited. After all, you want to see how it writes and how well it fits in your hand. However, as soon as you have it ready to write on a blank piece of paper, you realize that it doesn’t write at all. So, what may be the problem? 

One of the things that many people don’t know is that many new fountain pens don’t come with ink. This way, the first thing you need to check is whether your new pen uses converters or ink cartridges. Some can use both. 

In case your pen uses converters, you will need to fill it with ink. You may prefer to get ink bottles or ink samples. While the first ones are usually less expensive, ink samples allow you to try different colors. As soon as you have fountain pen ink at home, you can then fill your converter using a syringe. 

On the other hand, if your pen uses cartridges, it will be simpler to start writing with it. All you need to do is to insert the ink cartridge. Notice that you will need to make some pressure to puncture the cartridge’s seal. In case you are worried about damaging your new pen, you can use our ink cartridge opener.

One of the things that you need to be aware of is that it may take some time for the ink to flow down the feed and then the nib. So, allow some minutes for the ink to flow down. The process may be quicker if you keep the nib facing down with the cap on. You may also want to shake your capped pen with the nib facing down as well. 

Is Your Fountain Pen Inked?

Fountain pens need to be refilled with ink. As we mentioned above, some use converters, others use cartridges, and still others have their own filling system. 

#1: Your Fountain Pen Uses Cartridges: 

ink cartridges

Ink cartridges are incredibly practical. After all, when you dry one, you just need to replace it with a new one. However, it’s worth noting that some ink cartridges are refillable. This means that you can refill a used cartridge with bottled ink using a syringe. 

When your pen uses cartridges, you want to make sure that you buy the right ones for it. While many different brands use standard international cartridges, others don’t. On our ink cartridges page, you can easily search for the brand of your fountain pen and discover the right cartridges for it. 

#2: Your Fountain Pen Uses Converters: 

In this case, you need to have either bottled ink or ink samples. If this is your first fountain pen that uses a converter, you may be a bit scared about how to refill your pen with ink properly. However, this is a very simple process. 

Overall speaking, you just need to submerge both the nib and feed of your fountain pen in your favorite ink. Depending on the type of converter that your pen uses, you may need to turn the knob to draw ink into the fountain pen or slide up the converter button to draw it. 

#3: Your Fountain Pen Uses An Internal Filling System: 

bottled ink

The last type of fountain pen is the one that features its own internal filling system. It may have a vacuum mechanism or a piston one, for example. No matter the filling system it has, you will need bottled ink or ink samples to fill it. 

Generally speaking, you will need to follow the same instructions as if your pen used a converter. This means that you will need to submerge both the nib and feed and then use the pen’s mechanism to fill its internal reservoir. 

My Fountain Pen Still Has Ink In It 

If you are trying to write with a fountain pen that you didn’t use for some time, it may not be writing at all. 

One of the things that you need to know is that your fountain pen ink flow may change due to many factors. These include not using it for a very long time, air pressure, among others. So, how can you make your pen write again? 

The good news is that you have many different solutions. You may want to start by gently shaking your capped pen. In case it doesn’t work, you may want to run the nib under flowing water. 

In case your pen still doesn’t write, there are other things that you can do: 

#1: Fountain Pens That Use Ink Cartridges: 

In case your pen takes cartridges, you need to remove the barrel first. Then, with the nib pointing up, squeeze the cartridge. 

As soon as you see some ink appearing in the feed, it’s time to test your fountain pen and see if it’s writing again. 

#2: Fountain Pens That Use Converters: 

In case your pen uses a converter, you should remove its barrel and then point the nib up. Now, it’s time to carefully twist the converter just like you would if you were emptying it. 

As soon as you see ink appearing in the feed, stop twisting and see if your pen is already writing again.

Is Your Fountain Pen Clean? 

fountain pen nibs

In case you just bought your first fountain pen, you may not know that you need to clean it regularly. In fact, it’s a good idea to start by cleaning your brand new pen before you even try it. Not only the feed may still come with machining oils as some brands usually test their nibs using ink. This means that your new pen may have some ink left in the feed.

Even if you have a fountain pen that you haven’t used for a while, you may want to clean it to ensure that it continues to work properly. The truth is that over time, dried ink and even paper fibers can build up preventing them from writing. So, how can you clean your fountain pen? 

You can either clean your fountain pen by using running water or by using a cleaning solution. While running water tends to work well, when your fountain pen is brand new or you haven’t used it for some time, it’s a better idea to use a cleaning solution.

Simply put, you should soak both the nib and feed in water or the cleaning solution. This should be enough to make your pen write. 

Bottom Line

It’s incredibly frustrating when you want to write with a fountain pen and it simply doesn’t work. No matter if your fountain pen is new or not, it’s almost always possible to recover it. 

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Introducing The InexPens Burgundy Ink Sample


The beautiful InexPens Burgundy ink sample is now available in 3 different sizes:


Inexpens Burgundy Ink Sample (2ml)


Inexpens Burgundy Ink Sample (3ml)


Inexpens Burgundy Ink Sample (5ml)

If you’re looking for an amazing burgundy color that works in any fountain pen, click here.

Fountain Pen Ink

Fountain pen ink is one of the joys reserved to fountain pen enthusiasts. With hundreds of shades to choose from, fountain pen users can test, use and collect unlimited ink shades.

With so many different ink shades to choose from our fountain pen ink samples give you the opportunity to test and collect fountain pen ink for a fraction of an ink bottle price.

No matter your personal taste or the occasion, there’s a perfect ink shade for your needs. You simply have to find it. And finding the perfect ink shades on each color is one of the pleasures of fountain pen ownership.

InexPens Burgundy Ink Sample

Burgundy is a beautiful fountain pen ink. It’s a well-behaved ink on most nibs sizes and papers. You can get a InexPens Burgundy Ink Sample in any of our 3 ink samples sizes.

Unlimited Flexibility

You can get this ink sample in 3 different sizes: 2ml, 3ml or 5ml. This gives you unmatched flexibility to test and collect your fountain pen ink.

The 2ml ink samples are the industry standard. They let you fill your converter or cartridge 2 to 4 times depending on your converter size. For some, that’s more than enough to test the ink and decide if they want to purchase a bottle.

The 3ml ink samples are a perfect balance between the 2ml and the 5ml ink samples. They provide you a little more ink. You can fill a cartridge or a converter 3 to 6 times with a 3ml ink sample.

The 5ml ink samples provide you more than enough ink to deep test and decide if it’s the right ink for your collection. These 5 ml ink samples are highly collectible. If you don’t write that much or if you plan on using dozens or hundreds of different inks, a 5ml ink sample can last you a long time.


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Meet The R&K Solferino Ink Sample


The beautiful R&K Solferino ink sample is now available in 3 different sizes. Click here to know more details.







If you’re looking for a beautiful and bright purple that works in any fountain pen, click here.

Fountain Pen Ink

Fountain pen ink is one of the joys reserved to fountain pen enthusiasts. With hundreds of shades to choose from, fountain pen users can test, use and collect unlimited ink shades.

With so many different ink shades to choose from our fountain pen ink samples give you the opportunity to test and collect fountain pen ink for a fraction of an ink bottle price.

No matter your personal taste or the occasion, there’s a perfect ink shade for your needs. You simply have to find it. And finding the perfect ink shades on each color is one of the pleasures of fountain pen ownership.

R&K Solferino Ink Sample

Solferino is a beautiful fountain pen ink. It’s a well-behaved ink on most nibs sizes and papers. You can get your R&K Solferino Ink Sample in any of our 3 ink samples sizes.

Unlimited Flexibility

You can get this ink in 3 different sizes: 2ml, 3ml or 5ml. This gives you unmatched flexibility to test and collect your fountain pen ink.

The 2ml ink samples are the industry standard. They let you fill your converter or cartridge 2 to 4 times depending on your converter size. For some, that’s more than enough to test the ink and decide if they want to purchase a bottle.

The 3ml ink samples are a perfect balance between the 2ml and the 5ml ink samples. They provide you a little more ink. You can fill a cartridge or a converter 3 to 6 times with a 3ml ink sample.

The 5ml ink samples provide you more than enough ink to deep test and decide if it’s the right ink for your collection. These 5 ml ink samples are highly collectible. If you don’t write that much or if you plan on using dozens or hundreds of different inks, a 5ml ink sample can last you a long time.

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New Arrival: Yellow Jinhao 599 Fountain Pen


If you’re looking for a great daily writer with some personality and exclusivity, this Yellow Jinhao 599 Fountain Pen may fit the bill. Check more details here.


With a stainless steel fine nib, this Jinhao 599 Fountain Pen offers you a smooth writing experience in any type of paper. Check more details here.


Jinhao 599 Vs Lamy Safari

When you look to a Jinhao 599, it’s impossible not to think about the Lamy Safari. The Safari was the original pen with this design, so many people think the 599 is just a clone.

In reality, there’s no way to deny the inspiration behind the Jinhao 599. But the pen itself has its own arguments.

I do love both the Lamy Safari and the Jinhao 599. These pens are practical and make good daily writers. Between the two, I prefer the plastic feel I get on the Safari. The plastic feels thicker than the one you get on a Jinhao 599.

But the Jinhao uses a standard international size converter and a regular nib, so it’s more practical and flexible than the Safari.

The Jinhao 599 Fountain Pen

When you get a 599 you can easily use your favorite fountain pen bottled inks. There’s a converter included. If you want to, you can also use the international-sized cartridges manufactured by most brands (not by Lamy of course).

The Yellow Jinhao 599 Fountain Pen is entirely made of plastic. It’s not as thick as the Lamy, so it’s more prone to cracks. But don’t get me wrong. The Jinhao 599 feels good enough, just not as good as the Safari.

The pen weights around 20 grams and the length is 137mm.

This fountain pen is perfect to use or a special gift. Pens are perfect gifts for those that appreciate handwriting. They make a great birthday or Christmas gift and this fountain pen is no exception.

Unlimited Personalization

This Jinhao 599 Fountain Pen can easily be personalized to your preferences. You can easily get a completely different writing experience with it by replacing the nib. If you’re interested in getting the most out of your new fountain pen check our replacement nibs.

You can easily use any of these replacement nibs in any compatible fountain pen. This way,  you can change and adapt any of your fountain pens to your hand lettering or your taste.

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Rewriting #4: Trending


This time, the Rewriting blog post focus on trending fountain pens and ink. Discover the latest fountain pens and ink samples available.


Featured Products:

Fountain Pens: An Exclusive Writing Experience

A fountain pen turns your writing tasks into moments of pleasure. They provide you with the most smooth writing experience and provide a feel that’s completely different than the one you get with a ballpoint pen.

No matter if you’re writing your notes or tasks in a piece of paper, or if you’re signing documents, a fountain pen turns those simple moments into a relaxing experience. Try out one of our beautiful fountain pens and finally discover the pleasure of handwriting.

Unlimited Fountain Pen Ink Shades

In fountain pens, you have unlimited colors to write with. While on ballpoint pens you have a blue, black or red, in fountain pens you have dozens of shades in each color. No matter your personal taste, there’s a perfect fountain pen ink color for your needs. From red to blue, green to yellow, orange, browns, and so many other fountain pen ink shades.

Fountain Pen Ink

Fountain pen ink is one of the joys reserved to fountain pen enthusiasts. With hundreds of shades to choose from, fountain pen users can test, use and collect unlimited ink shades.

With so many different ink shades to choose from our fountain pen ink samples give you the opportunity to test and collect fountain pen ink for a fraction of an ink bottle price.

No matter your personal taste or the occasion, there’s a perfect ink shade for your needs. You simply have to find it. And finding the perfect ink shades on each color is one of the pleasures of fountain pen ownership.

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Now Available Jinhao Fude Plated Gold Nib


If you’re looking for a #5 replacement fountain pen nib, you might want to check our new Jinhao Fude Plated Gold Nib.

Your favorite nib might be damaged or no longer provides the smooth writing experience you’re used to. Or, you’re simply looking for a completely different writing experience, but you still love your old fountain pen. In either of these cases, you need a replacement nib.

You can simply buy a new pen. But if you still love your old fountain pen, you can bring it back to life or give it a completely new personality with a replacement nib.


You can simply buy a new pen. But if you still love your old fountain pen, you can bring it back to life or give it a completely new personality with a replacement nib.

Jinhao Fude Plated Gold Nib

We just added a new replacement nib on our website. Check it out here.

This medium plated gold is a size #5 nib. It has approximately 25mm of length and 5.4mm of diameter. It’s compatible with any #5 nib size fountain pen.

This is a simple but reliable and durable fountain pen nib. Here is a writing sample using our beautiful nib:


This nib offers tremendous line variation. It offers a wet writing experience with massive large side strokes.

The looks are completely original. This is the kind of nib that people love or hate, but no one can ignore it. Due to the gold plated color, these are great nibs to fit on a black and gold fountain pen.

See all details of our Jinhao Nib here, or if you prefer, check all our replacement nibs. If you’re looking for a gold color plated #5 fountain pen nib, this one is a pretty good choice.

See all details of our Jinhao Fude Plated Gold Nib here.

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Meet The 50ml Fountain Pen Cleaning Solution


While water allows you to clean your fountain pens, sometimes you need something a little stronger to assure a perfect cleaning. The InexPens 50ml Fountain Pen Cleaning Solution is a highly concentrated cleaning flush designed to assure a spotless cleaning. Discover all the details here.


InexPens Fountain Pen Cleaning Solution

Our cleaning flush is available in 5ml and 50ml. The 5ml cleaning solution is perfect to test, and the 50ml should last you for a long time.

Our 50ml Fountain Pen Cleaning Solution is a gentle solution that won’t damage your fountain pens but that will help you get rid of any ink residues that you may have missed during your regular water cleaning. Check it out here.

You can use it while you clean your pens between any ink change, or you can use it just after a couple of ink changes, to assure your fountain pen feed, converter and nib are completely free of any ink.

If you refill empty cartridges, our cleaning solution can also help. Simply refill a cartridge with our cleaning solution, let it act for 12 to 24 hours, and clean the cartridge with water.

You can reuse our cleaning solution, but it’s usually better to replace it after a couple of cleanings. If you’re using our 50ml bottle, you can simply transfer 3 to 5ml to a smaller vial, and clean your pens using the smaller vial.

Please note: never drink this cleaning solution, and be careful when you use it. Keep this cleaning solution out of reach of children and pets. And don’t mix any other cleaning products with it.

You can add simply a little water if you’re trying to get a little more out of it. Just keep in mind that if you dilute it with water, the cleaning properties might be affected.

Click here to see all the details about InexPens Fountain Pen Cleaning Solution.

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Meet The J Herbin Terre de Feu Ink Sample


The beautiful J Herbin Terre de Feu ink sample is now available in 3 different sizes. Check all the details here.







If you’re looking for a beautiful brown that works in any fountain pen, click here.

Fountain Pen Ink

Fountain pen ink is one of the joys reserved to fountain pen enthusiasts. With hundreds of shades to choose from, fountain pen users can test, use and collect unlimited ink shades.

With so many different ink shades to choose from our fountain pen ink samples give you the opportunity to test and collect fountain pen ink for a fraction of an ink bottle price.

No matter your personal taste or the occasion, there’s a perfect ink shade for your needs. You simply have to find it. And finding the perfect ink shades on each color is one of the pleasures of fountain pen ownership.

J Herbin Terre de Feu Ink Sample

Terre de Feu is a beautiful fountain pen ink. It’s a well-behaved ink on most nibs sizes and papers. You can get this ink sample in any of our 3 ink samples sizes.

Unlimited Flexibility With The J Herbin Terre de Feu Ink Sample

You can get this ink in 3 different sizes: 2ml, 3ml or 5ml. This gives you unmatched flexibility to test and collect your fountain pen ink.

The 2ml ink samples are the industry standard. They let you fill your converter or cartridge 2 to 4 times depending on your converter size. For some, that’s more than enough to test the ink and decide if they want to purchase a bottle.

The 3ml ink samples are a perfect balance between the 2ml and the 5ml ink samples. They provide you a little more ink. You can fill a cartridge or a converter 3 to 6 times with a 3ml ink sample.

The 5ml ink samples provide you more than enough ink to deep test and decide if it’s the right ink for your collection. These 5 ml ink samples are highly collectible. If you don’t write that much or if you plan on using dozens or hundreds of different inks, a 5ml ink sample can last you a long time.

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Introducing The Parker Blue RollerBall Refills


You can now find Parker Blue RollerBall Refills at InexPens. Click here to see all details.

These Parker Blue RollerBall Refills are 11.43cm in length. These refills deliver a smooth writing and a beautiful blue color.


These RollerBall Refills are compatible with Parker Rollerballs as well as with most popular rollerball pens. Click here to check them out.

Parker Blue RollerBall Refills provide you the most smooth writing experience. These refills fit most rollerball pens, and are considered the standard rollerball refill. Check them at blue rollerball refills .

Parker Blue RollerBall Refills

Sometimes you only need one thing from a pen: to write smoothly when you need it, without any kind of problems. Rollerball pens are one of the most practical type of pens for everyday writing. If you’re an active person that needs to carry a pen in your pocket and write in any type of paper or surface, Rollerball pens are a great option.

These refills last longer than some rollerball or standard gel pens. With a durable metal body, these RollerBall Refills provide you with a much better writing experience than most ballpoint or gel pens.


This type of gel refill is used in some of the most popular rollerball pens. Any Parker compatible pen will accept these refills. Click here to check all the details.

Fast Drying Ink

These refills deliver a smooth writing and a beautiful blue color. When you use a rollerball pen you can expect a vivid color. Similar to the type of color you get on gel pens and fountain pens. Our Parker Blue RollerBall Refills provide you with a beautiful blue color, and all the reliability you expect from a Parker pen.

InexPens Refills

These refills are part of our ballpoint and rollerball refills. Our goal is to provide you with the best type of writing experience for any of your pens.

Please check all our rollerball refills, and all our ballpoint pen refills.

If you love ballpoints or rollerballs, you might want to keep an eye on those 2 pages. We’ll be adding more refills for both in the near term. The goal is to provide you with more colors and options.

If you have any question about refill compatibility just email us and we’ll try to help you find the right refill for your pens.
